
Christians and the 2020 Election (Part 1): Episode 656

August 27, 2020

How Christians should approach the 2020 election, plus rejecting the lies of self-love, and is disagreement on pandemic mandates a relationship dealbreaker?

Featured musical artist: Darlene Zschech

Roundtable: 2020 Voting Angst (Part 1)

Election Day 2020 is approaching, and many American voters are uneasy, if not downright upset. In the midst of so much unrest and uncertainty, it’s easy for Christians to ask: “How should I vote? Should I even vote at all?” Our guests openly discuss the tension they feel in anticipation of November, how they’re evaluating the candidates and issues, and how we can keep our eyes on Christ and our sanity intact despite the craziness.

Culture: OK, So You’re Not OK

Our culture tells us that we are strong enough to solve our own problems. That we’re fine just the way we are. That we’re enough. But this culture of self-love hasn’t delivered on its promises. Author and podcast host Allie Beth Stuckey believed the empowerment lies until she went through a difficult breakup that left her feeling worthless. Through that season and beyond, she learned that only God is big enough to solve our problems, offer fulfillment, and provide true purpose and acceptance.

Inbox: Pandemic Mandates and Dating Friction

Mask or no mask? Churches open or closed? Government protection or overreach? She and her boyfriend disagree on some of the pandemic mandates and how they should be applied and enforced. Could this be a relationship dealbreaker? One of our counselors will bring balance to this tricky topic.

Featured Offer

Hold Hope

Encouragement for Christians with Chronic Pain


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About The Boundless Show

Boundless is a ministry of Focus on the Family that exists to see young adults mature in Christ as the foundation for marriage and family. Through our website, blog and weekly podcast, we help singles in their 20s and 30s navigate the path to marriage biblically and intentionally while providing sound resources and advice on key issues young adults face. We discuss everything from dating and relationships to faith, worldview, career and culture in a fun, engaging and relevant way. We’re also on Facebook ( and Twitter (BoundlessTeam).

The Boundless Show is a weekly podcast designed to build community among single young adults and provide a God-centered perspective on relationships, culture, career and faith. Hosted by Focus on the Family’s Lisa Anderson, The Boundless Show brings a voice to the interests and concerns of today’s 20- and 30-somethings.

About Lisa Anderson

Lisa Anderson is director of Boundless ( and host of The Boundless Show — a weekly podcast reaching 20- and 30-somethings with the message of God’s design for marriage and family. The show also features practical tips for dating intentionally, owning your faith, navigating career and culture, and maturing in all areas of life.  

Lisa speaks frequently at churches, conferences and workshops, and her writing has been featured in newspapers, magazines, and in Streetwise and The Big Screen — two books in David C. Cook’s Custom Curriculum series.

When not challenging the next generation, she enjoys traveling, running, and quoting her mother, who is known to say outrageous things. She loves Jesus, people, ideas and guacamole, in that order.

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Focus on the Family
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Colorado Springs, CO 
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