The Grace Message

Dr. Andrew Farley

Politics and the Christian

May 14, 2022

How involved should we be in politics? Is God more likely to answer a prayer with "yes" if more people pray? Why are we taught to ask for forgiveness if "it is finished"? How do I get rid of bad thoughts? Can you talk about guilt, shame, and anxiety? What about the Lord's Prayer- shouldn't we pray it?

Featured Offer

Escape the Suffocating Grip of Legalism
In his exciting new 8-message series, Liberated: From Law to Love, Pastor Andrew Farley dives into the powerful book of Galatians to show you that you’re set free from the Law and embraced by God’s love. Liberated, as well as the accompanying study guide, are our thanks for your gift below to help more people find liberation from legalism so they can embrace the true message of God’s grace in Jesus.


What does it mean to cast your cares upon the Lord? Why did John write not to add to the book of Revelation? What about prophecy today? What does it mean to abide in Christ?
May 13, 2022
Why aren't the children of believers already saved? What does the word "rod" mean? How should we discipline our children under grace? Am I truly saved? Does God require church membership?
May 12, 2022
Why does Paul quote the Old Testament law in Ephesians 6? Is water baptism required for salvation? Why is the word “LORD” in all caps in some passages?
May 11, 2022
Why does Romans 3:25 seem to communicate that only sins of the past are forgiven? What was Paul’s thorn in the flesh? How can I overcome the burden I feel from watching so much bad news on television? Why does Psalm 23 say God prepares a table for us before our enemies?
May 10, 2022
How did you first come to know the grace of God? If Jesus didn’t abolish the Law, shouldn’t we still follow it? Why does Jesus seem so different in the book of Revelation?
May 9, 2022
After salvation, it’s normal to wonder what comes next. We want to grow, and we’re often taught that growth comes from seeking more: more righteousness, more forgiveness, more sanctification. We’re told as we do our part, we become more pleasing to God. But what if growing in your faith isn’t about doing or seeking more? What if the pressure’s off, and you already have everything you need for life and godliness? In this message, I share what spiritual growth looks like in the life of a believer who understands their new identity in Christ. It’s not about what you’re doing but who you are. You’ll find peace and joy as you discover growth is simply learning and trusting in the finished work of Christ!
May 8, 2022
How do we distinguish Satan, the power of sin, and the flesh? Why did God create the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? How does a loving God allow evil in the world? What does the parable of the shrewd manager mean in Luke 16? Can God be referred to as a “she”?  Does Psalm 103 mean God heals every physical ailment for believers? Is there really only one way to the Father- Jesus? What is the definition of wisdom?
May 7, 2022
What is the truth about rewards in Heaven? Do we really need to submit to the government even if it means sinning? Why did Jesus ask, "Why do you call Me good?" What about those who turn their backs on Christ after being saved?
May 6, 2022
What is Paul really trying to say in Romans 9? Whom does the Holy Spirit convict? Is 1 John 1:9 written to the believer? Who is being warned in Hebrews 10:26? Are we both sinner and saint at the same time? Are we each getting a mansion in heaven?
May 5, 2022
Does Colossians 3 imply that we have two spiritual natures? What is the meaning of the Parable of the Prodigal Son? Is the warning in Hebrews 6 addressing believers or unbelievers? What do the talents represent in Matthew 25?
May 4, 2022
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Featured Offer

Escape the Suffocating Grip of Legalism
In his exciting new 8-message series, Liberated: From Law to Love, Pastor Andrew Farley dives into the powerful book of Galatians to show you that you’re set free from the Law and embraced by God’s love. Liberated, as well as the accompanying study guide, are our thanks for your gift below to help more people find liberation from legalism so they can embrace the true message of God’s grace in Jesus.

About The Grace Message

The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley consistently offers simple, straightforward, and accurate help for anyone looking to better understand the depths of God’s grace. Andrew’s teachings will challenge the way you look at God through scriptural insights, and help you live in the freedom of the finished work of Jesus Christ.

About Dr. Andrew Farley

Dr. Andrew Farley is devoted to helping people better understand the grace of God and helping them live in the freedom that comes from a true understanding of Jesus Christ’s finished work on the cross. He seeks to challenge the way people look at God, and themselves, through practical, scriptural insights about God’s forgiveness, living under grace and what a new identity in Christ really means.

Andrew is the author of Zondervan’s debuted #1 bestseller on Amazon, The Naked Gospel, in addition to serving as lead pastor of Church Without Religion in Lubbock, Texas. He is also the president of The Grace Message. His mission is to help people better understand the grace of God and see them enjoy freedom. He previously served as a professor of linguistics at the University of Notre Dame and Texas Tech University

Contact The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

P.O. Box 87
Bridgeville, PA 15017
(800) 658-9807