5 Minutes With Pastor Lutzer

Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer

The Attributes of God | Week 32: Jealous

August 12, 2019

To be jealous for God's name means that we have zeal to see Him honored: the kind of jealousy God commends, not the kind the world provokes.

Featured Offer

The Marriage Puzzle
This resource is a realistic analysis of why so many marriages that begin well end so tragically. Pastor Erwin Lutzer addresses the pressure points in marriage both biblically and compassionately so you can move beyond the past, seek God's guidance, and allow conflict to strengthen the relationship. Here is hope for those couples who think they are doomed to a relationship crippled by the failures of the past and the pain of the present. In Christ, any marriage can be strengthened and restored. Click below to receive this book for a gift of any amount or call Moody Church Media at 1.888.218.9337.


We tend to think of jealousy in negative terms, but the truth is that God has every right to say, "I am a jealous God, and I expect the exclusivity of your worship."
August 5, 2019
Every day of your life is an investment in something. The weight of God's eternal justice is recognized in the fact that not everyone will hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant."
July 29, 2019
It's hard to fathom the existence of hell, so much so that today's leading denominations want to explain it away. This week, despite its difficulty, Pastor Lutzer discusses the doctrine of hell.
July 22, 2019
Do you fear God's judgement? In Christ, the justice of God has already been satisfied for you. This week, Pastor Lutzer examines the grace and justice of God.
July 15, 2019
Is there an age of accountability? How does God judge children who die? What does a just God do with babies who pass away? This week, Pastor Lutzer encourages us to trust God's justice even in life's most difficult circumstances.
July 8, 2019
Is general revelation enough to get a person into heaven? And what does this say about the fairness of God? This week, Pastor Lutzer begins our discussion about God's justice.
July 1, 2019
The minute you begin to add to the Gospel, you are actually subtracting from it.This week, Pastor Lutzer speaks to us about the truth that belongs only to the Father.
June 24, 2019
Error that is contrary to God's truth may work for a time—but you must ask, "What does it work for, and for how long?" Let's look at the difference between false "truth" and God's truth.
June 17, 2019
The Bible has been dissected and vilified by the world and yet it endures with coherency. This week, Pastor Lutzer instructs us on God's consistent truth from James 1:18.
June 10, 2019
You are entitled to your own opinion, but you're not entitled to your own truth. This week, Pastor Lutzer discusses God's universal truth found in John 14:6.
June 3, 2019
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Featured Offer

The Marriage Puzzle
This resource is a realistic analysis of why so many marriages that begin well end so tragically. Pastor Erwin Lutzer addresses the pressure points in marriage both biblically and compassionately so you can move beyond the past, seek God's guidance, and allow conflict to strengthen the relationship. Here is hope for those couples who think they are doomed to a relationship crippled by the failures of the past and the pain of the present. In Christ, any marriage can be strengthened and restored. Click below to receive this book for a gift of any amount or call Moody Church Media at 1.888.218.9337.

About 5 Minutes With Pastor Lutzer

Pastor Lutzer, from The Moody Church, presents a unique weekly teaching series on the Bible and the Christian life. With over 40 years of ministry, Pastor Lutzer offers seasoned and sound biblical truths that not only instruct but transform as we apply God’s Word together.

About Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer

Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer is Pastor Emeritus of The Moody Church where he served as the Senior Pastor for 36 years (1980-2016). He earned a B.Th. from Winnipeg Bible College, a Th.M. from Dallas Theological Seminary, a M.A. in Philosophy from Loyola University, and an honorary LL.D. from the Simon Greenleaf School of Law (Now Trinity Law School).

A clear expositor of the Bible, he is the featured speaker on two radio programs: Running to Win—a daily Bible-teaching broadcast and Songs in the Night—an evening program that’s been airing since 1943. Running To Win broadcasts on a thousand outlets in the U.S. and across more than fifty countries in seven languages. His speaking engagements include Bible conferences and seminars, both domestically and internationally, including Russia, the Republic of Belarus, Germany, Scotland, Guatemala, and Japan. He has led tours to Israel and to the cities of the Protestant Reformation in Europe.

Pastor Lutzer is also a prolific author of over seventy books, including the bestselling We Will Not Be Silenced, One Minute After You Die, and the Gold Medallion Award winner, Hitler’s Cross. Pastor Lutzer and Rebecca live in the Chicago area and have three grown children and eight grandchildren. Connect with Pastor Lutzer on X (@ErwinLutzer) or moodymedia.org.

Contact 5 Minutes With Pastor Lutzer with Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer

1635 North LaSalle Drive
Chicago, IL 60614

