TUESDAY September 29, 2020

Take Heed to Doctrine

Take heed to yourself and to doctrine. Continue in them, for in doing this you will save yourself and those who hear you.
1Timothy 4:16

The Apostle Paul was a master theologian. He taught Timothy, a young minister of the Gospel the importance of knowing doctrine. Within the Scriptures is the doctrine of salvation which has the power to save and transform lives. That is why the book of Romans is so important; it has transformed so many lives.

The book of Romans transformed Martin Luther’s life, and also my life. It is a book people need to dissect because it has so much to say in every single chapter, verse and word! Paul taught solid doctrine, rational theology, and gave chief exhortations of godliness. He addressed the issues of conduct in the life of a Christian. What a person believes in is seen in their actions. Doctrine precedes right conduct in our lives before Christ. Before a man can live right, he must think right about God, Christ’s shed blood on the Cross and His Word. If a person does not believe sound doctrine, they cannot produce sound works in their Christian living.

Christians, who do not know the Bible, will not know how to behave. They remain ignorant. When you come to Christ, and become born again of the Holy Spirit, read the entire Bible. You will begin to learn everything God has said in the 66 books of the Bible. There are 39 books in the Old Testament, and 27 books in the New Testament. In the Old Testament, God’s people obeyed God’s commands, whereas everything written in the New Testament is obeyed out of love for Christ—relationship. If we fail to obey what is taught in the Bible, we are going to have problems in our Christian walk.

Having a right relationship with God means right living. If your relationship with God is right, then relationships with other people will be in right standing. As a Christian you should be loving and forgiving. Do not strive with God or compromise in your Christian walk. Then you will be a great influence and example to all those observing your life.

Doctrine without duty is a tree without fruits; duty without doctrine is a tree without roots.
~Talbot W. Chambers~

For more from Raul Ries, please visit SomebodyLovesYou.com!