SUNDAY September 1, 2019

Timely Intercession

Now one of the young men told Abigail, Nabal’s wife, saying, “Look, David sent messengers from the wilderness to greet our master; and he reviled them. But the men were very good to us, and we were not hurt, nor did we miss anything as long as we accompanied them, when we were in the fields. They were a wall to us both by night and day, all the time we were with them keeping the sheep.  Now therefore, know and consider what you will do, for harm is determined against our master and against his all his household. For he is such a scoundrel that one cannot speak to him.”
1 Samuel 25:14-17

Abigail was approachable; she listened carefully to her servant’s account of what had happened between Nabal and David’s men. She had no knowledge of the goodness David had shown towards her household. Now she was fully aware of the situation and how her husband had acted foolishly. Nabal never should have sent the young men away without the supplies they had requested.

Abigail perceived David’s anger. Knowing her household was in imminent danger, she stepped into a leadership position and took charge of her home. Abigail wasted no time because she knew lives were at stake. She took action and set out on a quest to appease the heart of David.

Abigail was such a wise wife. In an attempt to deter David from bringing death and destruction, she became an intercessor for her home. Abigail also cared about David. What about his reputation as the next King of Israel? Lovingly, she would try to make him see it was beneath him to bring rash retribution upon Nabal due to his foolish words.

I thank God for my wife, because I know she has stepped in and interceded for me hundreds of times over the years. I could have acted rashly like David and made bad decisions. I believe husbands need to be able to listen to the wise words of a godly wife. Many men have become just like Nabal because they have failed to listen to their wives’ advice.

Better to hear the quiet words of a wise person than the shouts of a foolish king.
~Ecclesiastes 9:17 NLT~

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