SUNDAY October 4, 2020

Differing Spiritual Gifts

Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to our faith….
Romans 12:6

Paul the apostle felt the responsibility to teach believers about their interaction with other Christians. It was important for each of them individually to recognize the spiritual gifts given to them by God. Prior to this, Paul had exhorted believers to be careful with pride. They were not to think more highly of themselves than they ought to think (Romans 12:3). In his wording, Paul gave a picture of someone being too inflated with pride.

The problem with pride is when people are given a little bit of authority it goes to their heads. They begin to believe they have sole authority. Not so. When God chooses a leader, they need to remain humble, leading in faith and righteousness. They should not be a respecter of persons in their decisions because God will not stand for it.

In fact, God will give a person a measure of faith to accomplish all that they have to do. Sometimes people will question the leaps of faith they have taken. Yet there has to be vision. No vision, no faith. People doubt, but a person has to make decisions on what God is telling them to do. Then they will see the hand of God, steady and on course.

In the local church, everyone has differing gifts that function together. The Holy Spirit is the one who anoints and gives gifts as He wills, not as you will (1 Corinthians 12:11). God has bestowed these gifts to each believer so the body of Jesus Christ can grow and be balanced. The gift of prophecy is used to communicate the message of God to the people. It strengthens and encourages them through the Word of God. Often your spiritual gifts are recognized by other people. It is important to know your gifts and limits. Pray to the Lord to help you discover your gifts, and to ask Him where He wants you to be used in the body of Christ.

Whatever ability a faithful Christian may possess, he ought to possess it for his fellow believers, and he ought to make his own interest subservient to the wellbeing of the church in all sincerity.
~John Calvin~

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