SATURDAY October 27, 2018

An Unexpected Defeat

And when the people had come into the camp, the elders of Israel said, “Why has the Lord defeated us today before the Philistines? Let us bring the ark of the covenant of the Lord from Shiloh to us, that when it comes among us it may save us from the hand of our enemies.”
1 Samuel 4:3

God intended for the children of Israel to be defeated. He wanted to teach them a good lesson––without God they could not do anything. Every time Israel did not depend upon God, He allowed something to happen to them to draw their attention back on Him until they sought the Lord with their whole hearts.

The Philistines were encouraged because they had already defeated Israel in the first battle, but God’s people were left confounded. Instead of seeking the Lord, the elders of Israel asked: “Why has the Lord defeated us today before the Philistines?” They were angry at God and blamed Him for the defeat. God’s people were not sensitive to the Lord. They should have known the reason for the defeat and, in humility, repented.

Israel believed that the Ark of the Covenant could be used as an escape from their enemies. The Ark of the Covenant was never intended to be a relic to be worshipped; it represented God’s presence among His people.

We can learn so much from God’s people in the Old Testament. God wants us to seek Him with all of our hearts, not only in the big battles of life, but also in the small battles. There are the little foxes––sins that can creep into our lives. We need to stay alert and vigilant against sin.

When we get ourselves into big problems, understand, it is not God’s doing––it is our own doing. God has given to us discernment and wisdom. We should be able to recognize why we have been defeated. Can you see the reason why you were caught in a snare and became entrapped? Why not examine your life today? The problem is often you, not God.

We have many leaders into temptation, but it is
our fault if we follow them.

~Thomas Adams~

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