WEDNESDAY November 20, 2019

Be Doers of the Word

But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.
James 1:22

James the Apostle urged believers to not only be hearers of the Word, but doers. There are those in the Church who have become Sunday Christians. It is very deceptive to hear God’s Word, but not apply it to their lives. Some people may believe they are Christians, but they are not. Why? They have listened to God’s Word, but they have never obeyed the Word of God.

Before you go to church, prepare your heart to receive God’s Word. How many times do you go to church to hear the Word, turn to another person, and say, “Hey, did you hear what the pastor said? That is for you!” However, you should go to church with your heart ready to receive what God has to say to you personally. Seriously, come to church and hear from the Lord! God can give you the grace to obey His Word.

There are times when Christians will bicker and nitpick with each other. They will even talk about people and judge them behind their backs. We do it! Yet when they see the person they really do not care for, they act as if they love them. We cannot be hypocrites. That is being two-faced, and God will not bless us. How can we say we love a person, when we do not? It is better to be honest before God, pray to Him, and ask Him to give us love for that person. We need to be genuine with each other.

Honestly, if you are not doing what the Word of God tells you, then you are only lying to yourself. You think you are a Christian, but you are not. If you are a person who goes to church all the time, thinking you are going to heaven, but you are not obeying the Word of God, you are not.

The Bible recognizes no faith that does not lead to obedience, nor does it recognize any obedience that does not spring from faith. The two are opposite sides of the same coin.
~A.W. Tozer~

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