WEDNESDAY May 27, 2020

Just in the Sight of God

For as many as have sinned without law will also perish without law, and as many as have sinned in the law will be judged by the law (for not the hearers of the law are just in the sight of God, but the doers of the law will be justified…
Romans 2:12-13

This Scripture is clear enough for me. A person who has never, ever read the Bible will be judged without the law. Those in the deepest parts of Africa, Indonesia or the jungles of the Amazon will have no excuse because God is everywhere! He has shown them His glory. It does not matter who it is, because the heavens declare the glory of God––they are His handiwork (Psalm 19:1), and mankind is inexcusable. So even those who do not have the law, they will still be judged.

Those who have read the Bible and know the law will be judged by the law––from Genesis to Revelation. Did they read it? Do they know it? It is incredible because the law dealt with the spiritual man–– it brought light. It is a schoolmaster that shows man his sin, brings conviction of sin, and leads him to Jesus Christ (Galatians 3:24-25).

Understand, it is the doers of God’s Word who will be justified. Every time a person sits in any Calvary Chapel or any other Christian, Bible teaching church, as they are listening to the truth of the Word of God, they are being held accountable to do what God says in His Word. Why do you think Jesus said so many times: “He who has ears to hear, let him hear?” (Mark 4:9) So there are no excuses. There is no partiality in God’s judgment.

When people refuse to obey God’s Word, they can expect God’s impending judgment on them. That is why I tell people, “Do not come to church unless you are going to be a doer of the Word!” The more they come and sit to hear, the more judgment they are bringing on themselves. This is what Paul was teaching––it is the same thing!

The driver on the highway is safe not when he reads the signs, but when he obeys them.
~A.W. Tozer~

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