TUESDAY May 19, 2020

Approving of Sin

…backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.
Romans 1:30-32

Paul continued to write a long list of prevalent sins practiced in people’s lives. It is important to study each one of them because, sadly, many Christians’ lives can fit in this list of sins. We should not be like the unrighteous who are backbiters and whisperers––those who love to gossip. Think of all the children who disobey their parents today; many are willfully rebelling against them.

Paul warned people not to embrace wicked deeds. Those guilty of practicing sin were deserving of death—hell. However, if you sit in an audience watching an actor practicing sin in a movie, and you enjoy what they do, you are just as guilty as the actor! You are enjoying and partaking of evil if you remain seated and do not get up to leave. Instead, you sit there feeding your flesh. You are just as guilty as they are, giving your money to evil.

Do you not understand that by feeding your flesh with movies, magazines and music for hours and hours, you will spiritually digress and become like the sinful person you used to be? Our conscience needs to be awakened. People try to escape from reality by doing these things. Life is real, sin is real. Sin corrupts and defiles; these terms are found in 2 Timothy 3:8 and Titus 1:15. Sin is out to kill––to take away life––not to give life. I will leave it at that, and you can make your own judgment according to the Word of God.

One thing is for sure: we all need the grace, love and mercy of God.

Grace is not looking for good men whom it may approve, for it is not grace but mere justice to approve goodness. [Rather] it is looking for condemned, guilty, speechless and helpless men whom it may save, sanctify and glorify.
~C. I. Scofield~

For more from Raul Ries, please visit SomebodyLovesYou.com!