SUNDAY May 17, 2020

Vile Passions

For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.
Romans 1:26-27

Paul had written a common phrase that people should pay close attention to, “God gave them up.” Every person has a free will, and they can choose how they want to live their lives. There are so many girls who have embraced lesbianism. It is the same for men who have chosen to become homosexuals. It has become so acceptable in our society.

This is not what God has intended. God has created a male and a female to be united in marriage. Man perverts what God has created. Those living in a homosexual or lesbian lifestyle have denied that fact. Sin is exciting and people want to try something new. God’s Word teaches that these lifestyle choices are shameful.

Underline the truth in your Bible. God says it is not right to be a lesbian or a homosexual, and He constantly reminds us in the Scriptures of that truth. People practicing these sins have nothing to be proud of. This philosophy is perverted. The lifestyle they have chosen is not natural. They were not born that way––it is sin. This is what the Bible teaches.

Think of all the children who go to school and are presented with these moral issues. They will come home and ask their parents difficult questions. It is the parents’ responsibility to teach their children what is right and what is wrong, so children can know the truth as they face these things in school.

Understand, God loves the sinner, but He hates the sin. Whether a person is a liar, a thief, an adulterer, or fornicator, the key is to know God’s love, because it is His kindness that leads people to repentance (Romans 2:4).

To repent is to change one’s attitude toward self, toward sin, toward God, toward Christ.
~H.A. Ironside~

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