FRIDAY January 4, 2019

Our Vision

Where there is no vision, the people perish…
Proverbs 29:18KJV

In the Book of Proverbs, King Solomon wrote, where there is no vision, the people perish…Think about how many businesses and churches have been successful. The Lord has blessed the people that are employed by them. However, years later, what has happened to these places? If the people leading the businesses or churches no longer keep on with the vision they first had and lose their passion, then they will fail to continue to be prosperous.

Understand that people can eventually lose their vision and passion. As a kid in high school, I can remember driving around and seeing churches packed out with so many people. Returning about thirty years later, I found that there was nobody left in these churches. They are now just empty buildings. Something happened! I believe with all my heart the leaders lost their vision and passion that they once had.

It is important to understand that once we begin to lose our passion and vision for what God has called us to do, then it is the end of our ministry or corporation. It could be the end of our lives. As I look to the end of my life, I want to make sure I finish well––completing all the things God has called me to do. God is so faithful. I look over all the years of ministry and thank Him for all He has done. He has kept all His promises.

We all have to have a vision and a passion to fulfill what God has given to us. We need to move forward continually––all the time. What kind of a vision do you have for 2019?

God help us. We've got to have a vision for the Lord's work and for the accomplishing of the Lord's work. People that are without a vision perish.
~Chuck Smith~

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