TUESDAY February 18, 2020

Blessed Are the Peacemakers

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.”
Matthew 5:9

Who are the sons of God? Those who make peace are called the sons of God. Instead of escalating a situation, you decrease it by making peace. Peacemakers do not want to inflict hurt. Being a peacemaker will make you grow in Christ and help you to show compassion to others. The conditions of peace are to love and forgive people.

I remember the times when I would go into Pastor Chuck Smith’s office with a situation. I have seen and learned lessons of forgiveness from Chuck as he practiced forgiveness toward others. When people had come against him, cut him up into thousands of pieces, and spewed him out, Chuck forgave them! It is amazing! I asked myself, How can Chuck do that? He had a pure heart, and he also knew Jesus’ teachings on the Sermon on the Mount. He had taught it himself many times.

In the past, if any person would hurt me, I would want revenge; but I have learned it is best to leave these situations in the hands of the Lord. Besides, I am accountable to what I have read in the Scriptures. If I act revengefully, I know God will cause the situation to fall back on me, too!

Honestly, even in my marriage I used to hold on to grudges. Sometimes all night long, maybe a week or two, and I would watch our marriage relationship decline. I learned how important it is not to hold on to bitterness or to be unforgiving. Always make sure your heart is right before God, your spouse and other people; otherwise, how can you tell people about Christ if your heart is not right with Him? You cannot.

This very day, put aside from you all bitterness and all malice, and say one to another, “If in anything you have offended me, it is forgiven; and if in anything I have offended you, I confess my error; let the breach be healed, and as children of God, let us be in union with one another.” Blessed are they who can do this, for “Blessed are the peacemakers!”
~C.H. Spurgeon~

For more from Raul Ries, please visit SomebodyLovesYou.com!