SATURDAY August 24, 2019

God Our Advocate

“As the proverb of the ancients says, ‘Wickedness proceeds from the wicked.’ But my hand shall not be against you. After whom has the king of Israel come out? Whom do you pursue? A dead dog? A flea? Therefore let the Lord be judge, and judge between you and me, and see and plead my case, and deliver me out of your hand.”
1 Samuel 24:13-15

David continued to speak to Saul; he used a proverb of integrity to help put the situation in perspective. Saul had relentlessly persecuted David and sought to kill him. David understood that all people are wicked sinners. David was no better than anyone else, especially compared to the King of Israel! What was Saul doing chasing something as insignificant as a dead dog or a flea? He wanted Saul to see how futile this ongoing chase had become––a complete waste of time.

David would not come against King Saul because he knew he would be guilty of great wickedness. Neither did David defend himself. If Saul had a problem with him, then let God judge between them! David placed his life in God’s hands. He knew he was not perfect, but God would be fair when He judged. God would be righteous when He judged. It was as if David said to Saul, “Go see my private attorney; He is the One defending my case.”

Understand, Jesus is our Advocate. Henry Gariepy, in his book, 100 Portraits of Christ, states:

We have an Advocate––One who pleads our cause. He intercedes on our behalf. Not to prove our innocence, for we are guilty… but we have an Advocate who stands on our behalf at the bar of divine justice.

Jesus Christ died for the forgiveness of our sins (1 John 1:9). Understand that if you are without Christ today, when you stand before God for your sins, you will have no such Advocate.

…if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One.He is theatoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.
~1 John 2:1-2 NIV~

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