TUESDAY April 28, 2020

The Gospel of God

[Paul] …separated to the gospel of God which He promised before through His prophets in the Holy Scriptures….
Romans 1:1-2

Paul never deviated from the Gospel message. During his ministry, he taught the full counsel of God to the people (Acts 20:27). The book of Romans was written for the benefit of believers. Paul gave people the knowledge of who God is. He masterfully told people the good news of God’s redemption for mankind. This was true for anyone if they were open to the Holy Spirit. God could take away man’s sin!

Christians need to read through the entire Bible to receive the full counsel of God. It should be a priority. It is the most important book in the world! As a believer gains a good knowledge of God and learns what is written in all the books of the Bible, they will grow and develop.

The problem is people are spending so much of their time on computers and phones. Wasted hours are spent on them while the Word of God is being neglected. It is a blessing to have these devices in our modern times, but they cause so much distraction. Seriously, they can pull you away from God’s Word. Even our children are caught up with video games. Think of the wasted, precious hours when they are consumed by them, when the Word of God could be molding and sharpening their young hearts!

I have traveled to England and visited many bookstores. There are sections of books written in the 1600’s – 1800’s. I notice a huge difference in the writing style. They were thinkers because they had time to really meditate on the Scriptures. Spurgeon wrote so many sermons. I have read the journals of the Wesley brothers––incredible preachers. The journals are amazing! They did not have the distractions we have today. Lay aside all distractions. Do not just speed read through the Bible. Take time to meditate, and hear what God has to say to you through His Word.

God writes the gospel not in the Bible alone, but also on trees, and flowers and clouds and stars.
~Martin Luther~

For more from Raul Ries, please visit SomebodyLovesYou.com!