SATURDAY April 25, 2020

Revival Begins with One

The just shall live by faith.
Romans 1:17

The book of Romans is the first in order of 14 epistles, it was written by the Apostle Paul while in Corinth. The letter sets man guilty before God, as it shows man’s sinfulness. Paul wrote of man’s need for Jesus Christ, the Redeemer, as He is the only One who can change the heart and mind of man. Clear insight is given into the heart of God; through His love, He draws man toward the grace of God. Warren Wiersbe writes:

On May 24, 1738, a discouraged missionary went “very unwillingly” to a religious meeting in London. There a miracle took place…. He wrote in his journal, “I felt my heart strangely warmed. I felt I did trust in Christ, Christ alone, for salvation; and an assurance was given me, that He had taken away my sins, even mine, and saved me from the law of sin and death.” That missionary was John Wesley. Just a few months before, he wrote in his journal, “I went to America to convert the Indians; but who shall convert me?”

There is a possibility that some people who preach the Gospel are not truly converted themselves. John Wesley thought he was in right standing before God until he read the book of Romans. The Gospel must be preached to us personally to have meaning. The message of the Gospel should bring about a true change in our lives.

After John Wesley’s true conversion, a great revival swept England! He had also read about Martin Luther. The one Scripture above all others that brought Luther out of religion into the joy of salvation was Romans 1:17, “The just shall live by faith.” Imagine the spiritual fruit from this one epistle! There is power in the Word of God––it brings salvation! This same inspired letter that brought life and power to Wesley and Luther continues to transform people’s lives. As we study the book of Romans together, may God bring a personal revival to each of our lives.

A true revival is to be looked for in the church of God.
~C.H. Spurgeon~

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