Graduating from the School of Hard Knocks
By Lara Sadowski
Friday, February 3, 2017

Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the Lord your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6 NASB

Let’s be honest, friends. Life can be hard at times – really hard.

Do you ever seem like you are in a pit of never-ending despair? I can relate because I have battled depression and anxiety most of my life. There have been times that I did not think anything would ever be better. Many a time I pleaded with God, “Where are you? I need a life preserver over here!” I remember a particular situation was so draining that I experienced a panic attack, and I thought I would die. I just wanted to pull the covers over my head and stay in bed.

I was so ready to graduate the School of Hard Knocks and forget all of the depression and anxiety, but God showed me something pretty amazing that I cannot wait to share with all of you. I kept praying that He would take away my depression and heal me, but I felt like He had turned a deaf ear to my cry for help. But one Sunday, my husband and I heard a sermon at church that changed me. God had this message for me:

Trust me, daughter. I can use your pain to help others. Trust me.

I froze in my seat. Could it be that God wants to use my times of depression and anxiety to help others who are suffering from the same kind of pain? The answer is a resounding YES. Praise Him!

Thankfully, He has put people and doctors in my life to walk with me when times get tough and give me good tools.  Even though I am doing GREAT, I do have days when I feel blue.  But what God put on my heart changed my life.

 He has asked me to tell my story because someone out there needs to hear that he or she is not alone. There is light at the end of the tunnel.  You will be okay and The Lord will walk with you every step of the way. YAY!

Friends, if you are feeling down or depressed today, take heart. You are not alone. God loves you, and He can use your situation to shine a light to all of His children.

And all of God’s people say, Amen!

If you are feeling depressed and anxious, please talk to someone about your pain and know that you are not alone.

Heavenly Father, when times are hard, it is even harder to be thankful, especially if we are depressed, anxious and tired. Please use our situations, no matter how hard, to help others who may be suffering or in a similar situation. Thank you so much for never leaving us nor forsaking us! We love you so much! In Jesus precious name, Amen.

© 2017 by Lara Sadowski.  All rights reserved.

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