he message of Jesus’ birth is one filled with hope. Jesus came to earth to be our Savior and one day He will return again. As we celebrate Christmas we are reminded of Jesus’ sacrifice and how much He loves all of us. So no matter what life throws at us Jesus is still the savior of the world. 

Here are five messages of hope to help you through the busy Christmas season, through tough life events that may be happening or even when things are going easy. 

1. Jesus Christ Unveiled - A

Those that don’t know Christ as Savior, will feel as though the world is heading into darkness, out of control without any hope whatsoever. But for the person who follows Jesus Christ, the book of Revelation revitalizes our faith to spread the Good News with even more compassion and urgency.

2. The Steady Anchor of Hope

Where is your hope?  When life is uncertain and you find yourself doubting God, where do you turn?  June Hunt says “There are no hopeless situations, only those who have grown hopeless.”  Listen as June connects us to a hope that can be the Anchor of Your Soul.


3. How to Have Hope in Tough Holidays

Facing disappointment in a hard holiday season? FamilyLife President David Robbins & his wife Meg grapple with how to have hope through grueling realities.

4. Rest Your Hope on Jesus Part 1

We’re making our way through First Peter, which is God’s encouragement and instruction for the difficult seasons of life.  And we most certainly are in the midst of one here in this nation!  Today pastor Ed encourages us to lift our eyes above the circumstances onto the coming of Jesus. It could very well be right around the corner.

5. The Divine Redeemer, Part 1

In a world of suffering and sadness, God gives his servant confidence that the Lord himself will come and stand upon the earth—and that his servants will see the Lord in resurrected bodies. Here is stunning gospel hope for a broken and dying world.

We pray for you and your family this season that you will find the hope you need and are looking for in Jesus Christ. 

Photo by Ron Smith on Unsplash