Easter holds profound significance in the Christian faith, marking the pivotal event of Jesus Christ's resurrection. But before the celebration of Easter Sunday, Christians embark on a journey of preparation known as Lent. Let us explore the deep connection between Lent and Easter, and how embracing both seasons enriches our spiritual lives.

At its core, Easter is a celebration of hope and renewal, symbolizing Jesus Christ's triumph over death. His resurrection is the cornerstone of the Christian faith, signifying redemption and eternal life for believers.

Lent spans 40 days, mirroring Jesus' 40 days of fasting in the wilderness. It's a time for reflection, repentance, and spiritual growth. Fasting, prayer, and acts of charity are common Lenten practices, guiding Christians towards a deeper connection with God and a renewed focus on what truly matters.

Observing Lent provides a unique opportunity to delve deeper into the Easter narrative. By journeying through the season of Lent, we can better understand the significance of Jesus' sacrifice and resurrection. The parallels between Jesus' time in the wilderness and our Lenten journey remind us of the importance of perseverance, faith, and reliance on God's grace.

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the ultimate victory over sin and death. As Easter approaches, we're called to embrace this truth with renewed faith, hope, and gratitude. Christ's resurrection offers us the promise of new beginnings and the assurance of eternal life.

The observance of Lent serves as a meaningful preparation for the celebration of Easter. Through fasting, prayer, and reflection, we deepen our understanding of Jesus' sacrifice and resurrection. As we embrace both Lent and Easter, may we grow closer to God and experience the fullness of His love and grace.

Resurrection Hope

Jesus’ resurrection from the dead is key, not only to Christianity, it’s key to your day-to-day life, as well! Laura Booz, Barbara Rainey, and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth show us how, on Revive Our Hearts Weekend, with Dannah Gresh.

To Pray Or Not To Pray

God is sovereign and He does not change. The Enemy often twists these characteristics of God into reasons not to pray, when they are the two most powerful reasons to pray. 

Remembering Christ's Death and Resurrection

Is the gospel the focus of your Easter celebration? Barbara Rainey reminds us that Easter is a perfect time to proclaim your faith to believers as well as nonbelievers as they visit your home during the Lenten season. A great way to do that is through “Behold the Lamb,” an interactive devotional Barbara created designed to teach your children who Jesus is. Consisting of an artfully designed wreath featuring a lamb and the words, “I AM,” this resource explores the eight “I AM” statements Jesus made about Himself in John.

Meditating on the Word of God and the Power of Contemplative Prayer

New Age and Eastern mystery religions are tangled up in the popular practice of yoga and meditation, and it’s important to realize that those things are not Biblical. However, Rick Hamlin, an author and editor at Guideposts Magazine, dives deep into the practice of meditating on the Word of God and the power of contemplative prayer. He delves into the importance of understanding God’s answers to prayers in our lives, and how to stop and reflect on the truth found in scripture. He explains the definition of when the Bible says to meditate on something, it means to rest on it, to hold it, and to ultimately reflect on God’s power in our lives. Biblical reflection every day is a good and godly practice!

Not to Worry . . . He Is Risen!

Demons. Darkness. Death.

These three realities can fill even the strongest hearts with fear. All three were present as the first Easter approached. In the darkest hour, Satan and his host of demons believed that Jesus’ death meant their victory.

Little did they realize that, though they had won the battle, they were about the lose the war! Take heart with Pastor Chuck Swindoll as he shares from John 19:32–20:31 that Jesus’ crucifixion can remove your worry and fear and replace them with abundant hope.