Understanding the Times

Jan Markell

Why the Church Won't Reign on Earth

November 5, 2011
Jan interacts with Tom McMahon of Berean Call concerning his new book, Temporal Delusion: Is the Church Destined to be Raptured or to Reign Supreme? Both the social gospel and Kingdom Now Theology propose "fix the earth" solutions but it won't work. They discuss Stearns' troubling, works-oriented Hole in the Gospel social gospel issues, C. Peter Wagner's New Apostolic Reformation, Rick Warren's contribution to this mix, and much more. They also touch on evangelical mysticism, ancient-future heresies and other elements contributing to the delusion of today's church. Find McMahon's book at "Our Products" at our Web site. www.olivetreeviews.org

Featured Offer

Deep State: The Invisible Government Behind the Scene – Book by Alex Newman
Author Alex Newman sheds light on the darkness of the “deep state.” He considers the intelligence community, as well as the bureaucratic machine, both of which now operate outside of constitutional structures.  He explains the “deep state behind the deep state” as well—the secret societies, semi-secret organizations and “moneymen” who make it possible.


Jan hosts with guest Jim Tetlow. The two discuss--and play clips--of his new radio drama, The Coming Global Transformation. That transformation is the Rapture. The drama centers around an unbelieving couple and their life before, during, and after the Rapture. Tetlow uses a number of tools to bring out potential scenarios that may be at play during that time period such as UFOs and apparitions. When a major war breaks out in the Middle East, apathy turns to curiosity and the couple begins a serious spiritual journey. This is an outstanding witnessing tool. www.eternal-productions.org.  You can find all of Jim's products at www.olivetreeviews.org
October 29, 2011
Jan hosts with guest Kamal Saleem, former Islamic terrorist, now a believer. Their topics range from "Chrislam" in our churches (the uniting of Muslims and Christians), to our purpose in Libya, to the real reasons behind the so-called "Arab spring." They also examine the Muslim Brotherhood which is getting a pass in the Obama administration when their goal, in fact, is global Sharia Law. Kamal also gives his inspiring testimony closing out the two hours. He sounds a warning that the Islamization of America is in progress and is being encouraged by the Obama administration. The situation in Libya will likely worsen with Ghadaffi's departure as even more radical elements will take over. We will try to get Kamal's input on this in the coming weeks but no one who understands Islam is encouraged by the "Arab spring.www.koomeministries.com 
October 22, 2011
Jan plays the message given by White House correspondent Bill Koenig at Understanding the Times 2011: The White House Role in the Accelerating Final Day Events. This will be the only conference message played online before the summer of 2012. Koenig outlines how various White House occupants have destabilized America and the world thanks to their meddling in the Middle East. There are consequences when a nation attempts to divide God's land and disrupt God's people. Koenig emphasizes, however, that no administration has been as destructive as the current one and no administration has set in motion so many end-time events.  Bill Koenig  www.watch.orgThe second part of this program Eric Barger hosts and interviews ministry colleague David Benoit. They have co-authored books on the paranormal and both sound a warning about the so-called holiday known as Halloween. Avoid it at all costs. For more information on David Benoit  www.gloryministries.com
October 15, 2011
(We are conducting "Understanding the Times 2011" and are airing programming originally played on July 16, 2011.) Part 1: Jan is host both hours and deals with John Loeffler from Steel on Steel radio. Is global debt going to be the crisis the Antichrist won't let go to waste? Probably. It is unsolvable. The two consider numerous economy-related issues now that there is a clear war against the private sector and a push for a socialized America. Today's global debt cannot even be comprehended. The ship of socialized fools in Greece and other parts of Europe is sinking and America should be taking notes. We could be next. The end-time plan of God is in motion and a one-world system and currency is on the horizon. We don't know the timing. Jan and John close considering the bright side of the dark side. This is the time when the church can shine and even replace the government in caring for some in society. Will it step up to the plate and follow through or is the church too far gone? John Loeffler from Steel on Steel radio. www.steelonsteel.com We carry John Loeffler products at www.olivetreeviews.org
October 8, 2011
Jan talks first to White House correspondent Bill Koenig and then the second half of this broadcast is prophecy scholar Dr. Mark Hitchcock.Both are speakers at Understanding the Times 2011. The world won't end in 2012, but what are some potential scenarios for the new year? More tumult, wars, and financial instability are guarantees. Jan and Bill discuss George Soros and his role in the "Arab Spring" and in all things evil. Also, the Clinton Global Initiative which is a mirror to the U.N. without the Islamic favoritism. Koenig was in New York for the Palestinian state bid and reports on those events. www.watch.orgThe second half of this program is  with Eric Barger as he guest hosts and talks with Dr. Dave Reagan, Dr. Mark Hitchcock, and Jan Markell. They are offering a response to the Harold Camping tragedy of May 21. They don't just dwell on the destruction of the Campings of the world because they also remind folks of the fact that a Rapture will happen some day. And a crown is waiting for those who long for His appearing. What can we know about this biblical event? All guests emphasize the importance of speaking and informing on this issue more than ever, even if one is marginalized for doing so. While Camping caused horrific destruction and was delusional, his followers took him seriously, showing the power of deception. www.ericbarger.com
October 1, 2011
Jan and Joel Rosenberg discuss how God is shaking the nations. Why is God doing this? Will we follow Him no matter what the journey is or where it takes us? They also talk current events including, but not limited to, Iran, Israel, pending Mid East war, and the Obama administration's abysmal handling of all things Middle East. Rosenberg is one of our speakers at Understanding the Times 2011. Find messages he gave at our Understanding the Times 2007 here. Learn more about Joel at www.joelrosenberg.com The second half of this broadcast we play one of Joel's messages from Understanding the Times 2007 where he emphasized Middle East activity, the future Gog/Magog (Ezekiel 38-39) War, and other issues related to the lateness of the hour. Find all of our Understanding the Times Conference Cd's and DVD's at www.olivetreeviews.org 
September 24, 2011
Caryl Matrisciana is Jan's guest for two hours. The discussion centers around Caryl's new film, Wide is the Gate: The Emerging New Christianity. They focus on a number of movements that have tried to change the face of Christianity in the last 50 years. These include Eastern mysticism, "purpose driven," Emergent, postmodernism, New Apostolic Reformation, social gospel/social justice, "green Christianity," and more. Why do we need a new kind of Christianity when that old-time religion is fine? Find Caryl's four-hour DVD here You will also find a trailer there and two other products from Caryl. We have a special price on Wide is the Gate.For more information on all of Caryl's products, visit www.caryltv.com
September 17, 2011
Jan hosts with guests Jack Kinsella and Ed Decker. Jack was present at Glenn Beck's "Restoring Courage" event in Israel which had a hidden agenda. It was a not-so-subtle endeavor to promote Mormonism and even scam participants for money for LDS purposes. Kinsella gives a first-hand report and Ed Decker, a former Mormon, reveals some of the inside secrets of the Mormon Church. Some of the information is quite shocking. What is the "White Horse Prophecy?" Does Glenn really know what he is doing and is he really a "Christian Zionist" as some are proclaiming? Is it possible to be a "Christian Mormon?" No is the answer to that. How might Mitt Romney's Mormonism play into a presidency he might win? Find Ed Decker's book on Mormonism on our site here. To obtain the free chapter of that book from Decker, visit his Web site, www.saintsalive.com. Learn more about Kinsella at www.omegaletter.com
September 10, 2011
We air another conference message from "Understanding the Times." Dr. Ron Rhodes addresses the topic, Why Perilous Times are in Overdrive. He has six categories of end-time activity that he highlights as having intensifying birth pangs. From Israel to technology to signs in the Heaven and Earth, our world is not what it used to be! We have CD and DVD sets of recent conferences going back to 2007. Find them here. Find more info at www.ronrhodes.org
September 3, 2011
Jan hosts and talks to her guest, Jill Martin Rische, the daughter of the late Dr. Walter Martin. In this two-hour presentation, Jan and Jill cover the rise of the paranormal. They discuss the greatest influencers on the issue: The entertainment industry, all things Harry Potter, Oprah Winfrey, Dr. Mehmet Oz, mysticism in the churches, and more. They also explore the rise of Wicca and witchcraft and the fact that the "New Age" movement is now mainstream. They also consider the cult of Mormonism now that it is high-profile thanks to Glenn Beck, Mitt Romney, and various members of Congress. The Mormon Church is baptizing many into the church after their death including Dr. Walter Martin and some who perished in the Holocaust. Dr. Martin was the leading critic of the cult before his death in 1989.  www.waltermartin.com
August 27, 2011
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Deep State: The Invisible Government Behind the Scene – Book by Alex Newman
Author Alex Newman sheds light on the darkness of the “deep state.” He considers the intelligence community, as well as the bureaucratic machine, both of which now operate outside of constitutional structures.  He explains the “deep state behind the deep state” as well—the secret societies, semi-secret organizations and “moneymen” who make it possible.

About Understanding the Times

A compelling look at current events, Bible Prophecy and apologetics with interviews of well-known authors and prominent leaders from around the world.


About Jan Markell

Jan Markell is a popular author and speaker across North America. She has written 8 major books and has hosted the largest prophecy and apologetics’ conference in North America. She began on radio in 2001 and now is heard on almost 900 radio stations with a large electronic audience as well. She founded Olive Tree Ministries in the early 1980s.

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