Telling the Truth for Women

Jill Briscoe

Combating Crows, the Enemy of the Garden

May 3, 2017

Have you ever witnessed someone growing in their faith and then suddenly there is a horrible spiritual attack? Jesus warned there is an enemy of the harvest - crows that are bent on snatching the seeds scattered in the fields before strong roots can take hold.

We may not like to think about it, but Satan is eager to discourage and snatch away believers. In this message, Jill Briscoe encourages all the saints to get in the fight, disciple those around you, and help people grow strong roots in their faith.

Featured Offer

Learn to trust God through all of life’s storms and squalls!
Jill Briscoe’s powerful teaching, Weathering the Storms of Life, along with 12 uniquely designed Scripture cards will help you trust God in all life’s storms! 


It's easy to see when a garden needs watering. The plant leaves begin to wilt, the ground becomes dry, and cracks appear. And if the plants aren't tended to, they're at risk of withering and dying. It's the same with people who need Jesus. In this message, Jill Briscoe helps us understand what's at risk and asks us to dedicate ourselves to impacting people in our sphere of influence.
May 2, 2017
Can an orchid grow in a putrid and smoldering garbage pile? Yes, and it has. That's the power of life within the seed. And so it is with the Good News. Are you all out for Jesus, scattering news of Him wherever you go, no matter how dirty or unwelcoming the circumstance might be? In this message, Jill Briscoe encourages us to believe that God's Word will always find good soil. It's up to us to take advantage of every opportunity so that the fields will be ready for someone to come along and harvest to the glory of God.
May 1, 2017
You probably don't need to be convinced about how important it is to share life with others. To be friendless in a friendless world is a frightening thing. But have you ever struggled to develop meaningful and precious friendships? In this message, Jill Briscoe teaches about being vulnerable in our relationships and how friendship can deeply impact our lives.
April 28, 2017
As someone who is made in the image of God, you have a better understanding than you might think about His longing desire for companionship and friendship. Are You a Friend of God? explores Scripture that reveals God's friendships with His people. Enoch was God's walking and talking friend, Job was His hurting friend, and Moses was His waiting friend. What kind of friend are you? In this message Jill Briscoe will shift how you think about your relationship with God and challenge you to identify, and grow in yourself, the characteristics that God is looking for in a friend.
April 27, 2017
Being in a valley isn't proof that God has left us or that He doesn't care. God is our shepherd. He is leading us, protecting and correcting us. This is how we know God's love for us, through his action in our lives.  In this message, we learn that God's rod corrects us, like He corrected David after his sin with Bathsheba, but His staff comforts us through these corrections. Loving discipline shows God's love for us. 
April 26, 2017
At times, we may feel useless, uncreative, ungifted, and unfit to do God's work. But simply by the fact that God has brought us into a redemptive relationship with Him, we can be encouraged that He has gifted us! The Holy Spirit is our gift; He is our anointing to do the good works that God has prepared in advance for us to do.  This message assures us that God has gifted us and God will see us through the tasks He set before us. We can say, as David says, "He has exalted me by helping me to know Him."
April 25, 2017
No sin is bigger than God's forgiveness and mercy. There will be consequences for sin, but the love of God is the kind of unconditional love that shows mercy when the object of its love lies prostrate and repentant. David learned this when he sinned against God with Bathsheba, he learned the weight of guilt. He also learned that God's mercy is an attribute of His unfailing love.  In this message, Jill Briscoe teaches us the importance of letting God love us by letting Him forgive us.
April 24, 2017
When trials and suffering come, where do we turn? We ought to turn to God, the God of all comfort. Suffering in this life is inevitable. David knew that. He wrote his psalms about that. But he wrote with the knowledge that God's love brings comfort, encouragement, freshness, and life to those who pant after Him.  In this message, Jill points us to the many resources for encouragement that God has already given us: His Holy Spirit, His word, and His people. God beckons us to bring encouragement to those around us. 
April 21, 2017
When man makes promises, he rarely follows through. God, on the other hand, can make promises the size of eternity, and He always follows through! God promised David that He would give him a throne that would never pass away. God promised to bring a new covenant to His people through David's line, a covenant that would bring an eternity where there are no broken promises.  In this message, we learn of God's faithfulness in His grand promises. We can trust His promises because they are based on His unfailing love!
April 20, 2017
We have all experienced the feeling of spiritual oppression, temptation, or threats. But when David faced Goliath, God was the champion. God fought for the one He loved, just as He will fight for us when we're overwhelmed, because He loves us.  In this message, Jill teaches us that God is our rescuer. That doesn't mean He will always rescue us from physical hardships or discomfort, but He will rescue us from sin, and its consequences. He will rescue us from Satan's schemes, from fear, and from ourselves. 
April 19, 2017
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Featured Offer

Learn to trust God through all of life’s storms and squalls!
Jill Briscoe’s powerful teaching, Weathering the Storms of Life, along with 12 uniquely designed Scripture cards will help you trust God in all life’s storms! 

About Telling the Truth for Women

Telling the Truth exists to make available sound biblical teaching, practically applied, with a view to producing lives that glorify God and draw people to Christ. The whole of our ministry is to encourage, console, strengthen, teach, and train.

About Jill Briscoe

Jill Briscoe was born in Liverpool England in 1935. Educated at Cambridge, she taught school for a number of years before marrying Stuart and raising their three children.

In addition to sharing with her husband in ministry with the Torchbearers and in pastoring a church in the United Sates for thirty years, Jill has written more than forty books, travelled on every continent teaching and encouraging, served on the boards of "Christianity Today" and "World Relief," and now acts as Executive Editor of a magazine for women called "Just Between Us."

Jill can be heard regularly on the worldwide media ministry called "Telling the Truth" She is proud to be called “Nana” by thirteen grandchildren.

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Brookfield, WI 53005-4633

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