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"Santa Claws" and a Tiny Dragon

Psalm 18:30: "As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the LORD is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him."

The fossil record shows us examples of God's great creativity in designing living things. It also shows that life appeared suddenly on Earth, in finished form. The fossil record shows us that Earth originally had a much greater variety of life. Finally, the fossil record doesn't show any evidence of creatures evolving from one type into another.

Paleontologists have been looking for fossils of unusual creatures in some of the oldest rocks that have fossils in them. In other words, these rocks in British Columbia have evidences of some of the earliest forms of life. These layers show the rich variety of life that once existed on Earth. Paleontologists have found a much greater variety of arrow worms and jellyfish than live today. But even in the earliest layers, the worms and the jellyfish are fully formed.

In addition, paleontologists have found some startling creatures. One foot‑and‑a‑half-long creature had a circular mouth with radiating teeth and claws. Another looks like a tiny, inch‑long dragon. Scientists describe it as looking like the cameo of a stegosaurus. Perhaps the most unusual creature was named "Santa Claws" by one paleontologist. It has five pairs of claws attached to its head, two flaps on the side and a tail like a beaver.

Paleontologists and Christians who believe the biblical record of creation don't dispute the facts about fossils. We object to interpretations of the fossils that needlessly contradict Scripture.

Prayer: Dear heavenly Father, even in death, brought about by man's sin, these creatures glorify You and bear witness to Your act of creation. Strengthen my faith so that I may not be intimidated by claims that contradict Your Word. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Notes: Weisburd, Stefi. 1985. "New creatures from the Cambrian." Science News, v. 128, Nov. 16. p. 309.

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