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One of Evolution's Best-Kept Secrets

Psalm 17:12-13: "Like as a lion that is greedy of his prey, and as it were a young lion lurking in secret places. Arise, O LORD, disappoint him, cast him down: deliver my soul from the wicked, which is thy sword."

Though the title of today's program is "One of evolution's best-kept secrets," Creation Moments could bring you hundreds of broadcasts with the same title. While evolutionists are filling science textbooks, Hollywood films, science magazines and natural history museums with their favorite evidences of evolution, they routinely fail to mention the evidences that call evolution into question.

For example, evolutionists tell us that dinosaurs – after millions of years of gradual change – evolved into birds. But they don't mention that fossils of many modern birds have been found in the very same rock layers where dinosaurs are found!

As Dr. Carl Werner points out in his book and DVD, Living Fossils, "Every time you see a T-rex or a Triceratops in a museum display, you should also see ducks, loons, flamingos or some of these other modern birds that have been found in the same rock layers as these dinosaurs, but this is not the case."

To see if this was an innocent omission or deliberate deception, Dr. Werner traveled to 60 natural history museums and 10 dinosaur dig sights in seven different countries. His interviews with paleontologists revealed that they were well aware of the modern birds living alongside dinosaurs. And yet only one museum gave any hint that dinosaurs and modern birds lived at the same time.

What else aren't you being told about evolution? Keep on listening to Creation Moments because we will expose more of evolution's best-kept secrets on future broadcasts.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, if evolution were true, evolutionists wouldn't have anything to hide. I pray that the many of evolution's darkest secrets will come to light! In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Notes: Dr. Don Batten, "Modern birds found with dinosaurs: Are museums misleading the public?", Creation 34(3), 2012. Photo: Flamingo fossil. Courtesy of Ghedoghedo. (CC BY-SA 4.0)

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