Changing Worldviews

Sharon Hughes

HIDDEN AGENDAS: In the Culture #2

July 26, 2017

Guest: Pastor David Miller - With Pres. Trump announcing that Transgenders will no longer be allowed in the U.S. military, media voices have raised up against Trump, in sympathy with them. But, one of the major parts seldom reported in the whole pro and con LGBT culture war, is the very real consequences suffered by those who are on the other side of the issue. Hear how one Pastor and his congregation lost their church building and affiliation from their denomination because of their position on traditional marriage.

References: Mark 10:6


Guest: Wesley J. Smith, Discovery Institute, Author of "War on Humans" - Little Charlie Gard and his parents have lost their battle against the UK's Socialized Medicine System. How can doctors, or courts, decide what is to be done for a child against the parent's wishes? Devaluing of human life. Today, humans are seen by a growing number of 'experts' as of no more value than a dog or a pig. Shocking how the Hidden Agendas of the euthanasia and environmentalist population-control have gained ground.
July 24, 2017
Guest: Charlotte Iserbyt, Author of "Deliberately Dumbing Down of America" - continuing with our last segment on how the classrooms of today have produced young people who are ignorant of the realities of Marxism, which is part of the Hidden Agenda of the 'long march' through the culture to, as Marx said he wanted, to destroy Capitalism, and dethrone God.
July 19, 2017
Guest: Charlotte Iserbyt, Author of "Deliberately Dumbing Down of America" - continuing on how the classrooms of this generation have produced young people ignorant, not only about American history, but world history and the failure of Socialism around the world and much more. Marx wanted to not only destroy Capitalism, but dethrone God, from society.
July 17, 2017
Guest: Charlotte Iserbyt, Author of "Deliberately Dumbing Down of America" - from bizarre College Courses to social engineering, the classrooms of this generation have produced young people ignorant, not only about American history, but what it's going to take to live a good life. Not only that, but the moral slippery slope has produced 'Drag Queen Hour' in public libraries for small children. And that's not all. What we can do.
July 12, 2017
Not only have lines become blurry, crossed, and in some instances erased in political, educational and cultural arenas, but there are movements afoot to stealthly, not just infilrate, but take control of these institutions. This week we launch our new 'Hidden Agendas' segment with a full week on what we will be covering and exposing. First up: Hidden Agendas in Government - what is a deep state vs. shadow government, and is there a deep state working against this administration?
July 10, 2017
Guest: Justin Vaisee, Author of "NeoConservatism" - Is it possible that Pres. Donald Trump is opening the way for America to return to religious liberty? Will Pastors be free to preach from the whole Bible without penalty from the government? Deemed by many to not be one do such a thing, his policies seem to be pointing in that direction. And how do his policies contrast with those of 'neo-conservatives'?
July 7, 2017
Are lines being drawn between nations more than ever? As President Trump meets with G20 nations this week No. Korea continues to test missiles & claims they can attack U.S. (is that true?); and violence and terrorism continues to escalate around the world. Will these nations unite to truly stop it? America amongst the nations - the contrasts are more clear than ever.
July 5, 2017
Any nation can become a goat nation or a sheep nation. America was built on the Judeo-Christian ethic, and was once a shining city on a hill - she can be again. May we all engage in rebuilding her walls. That's what our 4th of July Special is all about.
July 3, 2017
Guest: Dr. Michael Coffman, Author of Plundered - Part 2 on how some on the far-Left not only are against property rigts for individuals, but see their position as necessary for the breakdown of America as she was founded, to remake her into a Marxist country. How did the Founding Fathers place protections against this?
June 28, 2017
Guest: Dr. Michael Coffman, Author of "Plundered" - Mankind was made for freedom, and nations were designed for peace. Yet the nations rage, the world is more violent, and mankind is less free. How did we get here, and what are the forces behind it? 
June 26, 2017
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Exposing the worldviews behind the current issues of our increasingly complex world, with interviews of well-known authors, public policy and pro-family experts, religious leaders and apologists for the faith, in a lively, compelling and informative format.

About Sharon Hughes

Sharon Hughes is the Founder and President of The Center for Changing Worldviews, and 15+ year Investigative Journalist and Talk Radio Host. Saying it like it is on the most critical issues of our day to conferences, on television, and on the radio interviewing well-known authors and film producers, public policy and pro-family experts, and government and religious leaders, Sharon's column has also been published in print media and on numerous online news sites.


In addition, Sharon is the Founder of Relationships Seminars, Co-Leader of Women In Christ, an outreach to women, and Bible Teacher. She has served in various capacities in her church, on community and state boards, and has been the recipient of several Leadership Awards. A wife, mother, and now grandmother, Sharon loves to cook and fly fish with her husband, Duane.

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