Did you know that the Lord has an amazing trade-in deal in store for you? That’s right; you are going to trade in your existing body, with its aches and pains, for the newest model.

Of course, that is not a perfect analogy, because there will be a link between your old body and your new one.

Here are some thoughts about the new body God has for you when you get to heaven.

The blueprints for our glorified bodies are in the bodies we now possess—but in heaven they will be perfected. When we pass over to the other side, our minds and our memories will be clearer than ever before.

As the apostle Paul writes: “Our bodies now disappoint us, but when they are raised, they will be full of glory. They are weak now, but when they are raised, they will be full of power. They are natural human bodies now, but when they are raised, they will be spiritual bodies” (1 Corinthians 15:43–44 NLT).

Our new bodies will be the same as our old bodies in some ways, and different in other ways, but without question radically improved!

No more physical disabilities. No signs of age and no sinful tendencies.

Joni Erickson Tada is a quadriplegic who has glorified God despite her disability, which was the result of a diving accident in her youth. In her book Heaven: Your Real Home, she writes about our new bodies God has for us:

“No more bulging middles or balding tops. No varicose veins or crow’s feet. No more cellulite or support hose. Forget the ‘thunder thighs’ and ‘highway hips.’ Just a quick leapfrog over the tombstone, and it’s the body you’ve always dreamed of. Fit and trim, smooth and sleek.”