Free Resource - Face the Storms of Life with Confidence - Free PDF download from Encounter the Truth Ministries about finding your stability in God
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Where can we find TRUE safety?

God provides the only true safety for us during uncertain times. Moses referred to God as “the Rock” (Deut. 32). Since God is constant, He is the solid Rock to which we can cling in uncertain times.

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Jonathan Griffiths serves as Lead Pastor of the Metropolitan Bible Church in Ottawa, Canada, sits on the Council of the Gospel Coalition Canada, and gives leadership to the Timothy Trust, which exists to promote expository Bible ministry. He loves to train and mentor developing leaders for gospel ministry. Jonathan studied theology at the University of Oxford and completed his Ph.D. on Hebrews at the University of Cambridge. He takes a keen interest in current affairs, not least politics and economics. He and his wife, Gemma, have three children.
Encounter the Truth

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