Liberty Bible Fellowship Service for February 19th
The Fountains are open, how god was faithful to Noah in the second month. Genesis 7:11
Today was an unusual demonstration of the outpouring of God’s amazing presence. The wind of REVIVAL is BLOWING on NY! We felt it at Liberty.Both services were powerful with the first one ending in a glorious altar confession of sins and tears flowing and worship and the second service for the NEXT GENERATION was filled with parents and grandparents with their children and grandchildren. It was the best attendance of this NEXT Generation service we have ever had!So great to have Apostle Allen Opoku from London and Pastor Jesse Reimers from Texas!Look out for something UNUSUAL UNIQUE and POWERFUL coming from LIBERTY soon! It will be powerful when it actually happens!
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About Liberty Bible Fellowship Church
Liberty Bible Fellowship Church is located on Brooklyn, New York. Their mission is reaching their city and the world for Christ. They believe in giving a hope that anchors the soul. Pastor Joe Persaud is their lead Pastor
About Pastor Joe Persaud
He has a Theological Certification, a Bachelors degree and two Masters degrees. One of His Masters is from Ivy League Columbia University. His other masters in International Affairs has served him well in the various countries he has done poverty and development work. This includes microfinance in Haiti, Nigeria and India. Most recently he helped to rebuild a hospital in Haiti, bought cows in India for families so they can provide for themselves. Presently providing water wells to various villages in India to provide drinking water.
Pastor Joe has spoken in various conferences and churches and has been to over 22 countries. He juggles a busy life running Liberty Church, traveling internationally and locally, and being a father, husband and executive at a NYC corporation.
Contact Liberty Bible Fellowship Church with Pastor Joe Persaud
106-45 98th Street,
Queens, NY 11417