God’s Dwelling

When King Solomon had completed construction on the most magnificent, costly and beautiful edifice Israel had ever seen, he admitted during his dedicatory prayer that their new and expansive house of worship was far too small and entirely too insignificant to contain the transcendent and all-powerful God they had gathered to praise. He rhetorically asked, “Will God really dwell on earth with men?” He quickly responded with, “The heavens, even the highest heavens cannot contain you. How much less this temple I have built” (2Chron.6:18). God echoes this truth through the Prophet Isaiah some three hundred years later when he said, “Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Where is the house you will build for me?” (Is.66:1) But what is truly amazing is his follow up comparison. While God refuses to dwell in earthly buildings, no matter how elaborate or ornate, he boldly declares that he will “dwell with the one who is contrite and lowly in spirit” (57:15) and within “the one who is humble” and who “trembles at my word” (66:2). Amazingly, the transcendent all-powerful God of the universe has promised to take up residence in your life and mine as we humbly reflect on ourselves with contrition and repentance, standing at the ready to do whatever his word commands. This is a profound and unlikely biblical reality that should be the cause of our grateful rejoicing today!

- Pastor Mike


WFP offer

I am so glad that God is better at keeping His promises than the rest of us! Take, for instance, all the goals we make for the year ahead.  We go out and buy gym memberships and how-to guides, determined to make progress on some positive habits.  Unfortunately, many of those good intentions fall to the wayside within a few weeks or even days.

But not with God.  What He says, He will do.  We can trust that His Word and His promises will hold true throughout eternity. In The Promises of Grace, author Bryan Chapell provides an encouraging look at the promises we can expect God to fulfill in our lives—promises like the assurance of God’s love, peace of conscience, joy in the Holy Spirit, and perseverance in trial.  Let us know you’d like a copy of this book when you contact us with your donation.

Request The Promises of Grace by Bryan Chapell with your donation this month.

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