Dwelling Place

Al Pittman

The Buoyancy of Faith

August 21, 2023

Today we’re in Romans chapter eight, verses twenty eight through thirty-nine and we’ll be discussing the methods that God uses to bring about His desired results within us. We may not always understand what He’s doing, but as followers of Christ, we choose to trust Him. Pastor Al has given this message an interesting title - “The Buoyancy of Faith”.

References: Romans 8

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Surviving the Storm
Nathan dropped to the ground suddenly in the middle of his first high school football practice, as parents Al and Norma watched. Through eight weeks of intensive care and many surgeries, Al and Norma Pittman faced a storm they never dreamed. Al had taught “Surviving the Storm” to his congregation, never realizing that shortly he would face the storm of his life. Power-packed and inspiring teaching that will help the reader come through any storm on the life preserver of God’s Word.


Old age is an asset, not a liability, despite what our world teaches today. Those who are older in the faith have so much that they’ve learned about God. Yet, quite often - older people take on a different attitude.... “It’s time to let the younger people do it now, I’ll just sit back, do nothing, retire from serving God, and wait till He takes me home.”  Today pastor Al encourages senior saints - and all believers, regardless of age - to be all that God wants them to be.
August 19, 2023
Today we revisit a precious verse in the Book of Romans, one that has brought great comfort to Christians through the ages - Romans chapter eight, verse twenty-eight. Today our aim is to come to a better understanding of what God is communicating to us through this great verse.
August 18, 2023
According to Romans eight, verses 19 through 25, we should be eagerly anticipating the renewal and transformation of ourselves and everything around us. Today’s message is part of pastor Al’s verse by verse series through Romans.
August 17, 2023
Today on The Dwelling Place, we’ll discover that the moment we receive Jesus Christ as Savior, we begin a new relationship with our adopted father, a relationship that eventually takes us to an everlasting home with Him! 
August 16, 2023
 The book of Romans is rich with insights on living a life pleasing to God, and that should always be the goal of the Christian. And within Romans is the amazing chapter eight - a chapter that has so many rich assurances for the believer, it’s difficult comprehend it’s awesomeness! Today we’ll continue our look at chapter eight of Romans as we study verses twelve through eighteen.
August 15, 2023
We’re studying Romans chapter eight right now, and today we’ll make a return visit to the first several verses. This is a wonderful chapter in that it reminds us that through Jesus Christ, we have nothing to fear as far as our eternal future is concerned. He paid the price for us on the cross and no matter how badly we foul things up, he’s there waiting for us. And we will find out today, how to be a “Par” Christian!
August 14, 2023
Thanks for joining us today as we bring you another message from Al’s new series in Titus, titled, “Setting Things in Order” We’ll finish up chapter one today, and the topic will again be church leadership. The pastor of a church has immense responsibilities. We all know that pastoring a church is much more than coming up with a thirty-minute sermon each week. Pastor Al has some very pointed things to share today about church leadership.
August 12, 2023
We’ll find out today that chapter eight of Romans is particularly significant for believers in Jesus Christ...and extremely encouraging I might add.   We’ll be examining our “No Condemnation” status here today on the broadcast. 
August 11, 2023
Unbelievers don’t care about God’s law - they couldn’t care less. And though it’s a battle - ultimately there is victory! Today on The Dwelling Place we’ll be encouraged in the fight. We'll be picking up in Romans chapter seven beginning in verse twenty one.
August 10, 2023
 When we come to Christ, does that mean all of a sudden we stop sinning?  Well First John makes it clear that if we claim to be without sin we’re a liar.  While we’re certainly not sinless, we will sin less than before we met our Savior. Here’s pastor Al to bring that to the forefront, as he heads back to Romans, chapter seven.
August 9, 2023
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Surviving the Storm
Nathan dropped to the ground suddenly in the middle of his first high school football practice, as parents Al and Norma watched. Through eight weeks of intensive care and many surgeries, Al and Norma Pittman faced a storm they never dreamed. Al had taught “Surviving the Storm” to his congregation, never realizing that shortly he would face the storm of his life. Power-packed and inspiring teaching that will help the reader come through any storm on the life preserver of God’s Word.

About Dwelling Place

The Dwelling Place features the teaching ministry of Al Pittman, where the aim is to help deepen your faith, one step at a time.

About Al Pittman

Al was born in Panama City, Florida in 1955. His father was a career soldier, so the family traveled extensively. In 1973, when Al was seventeen years old, the family returned from a tour in Germany and settled in Colorado Springs. Soon after, Al realized God’s call on  his life and began serving in the music ministry as a bass guitarist with a Christian band  called, “The Rays of Light.” It was during this time that Al met Norma, and they were married on July 19, 1975. 

Al attended Nazarene Bible College in Colorado Springs, graduating in 1977 with a degree in Biblical Studies. In 1991 Al and his family moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico, and two years later he joined the staff of Calvary Chapel Albuquerque as an assistant pastor and co-worship leader. In the spring of 1997 the Lord called Al and his family back to Colorado Springs to pastor Calvary Worship Center. In 2006, Al earned his Master’s degree and in 2012 he earned his Doctorate degree in Ministry from Trinity Southwest University in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Al and Norma are the proud parents of three children, Renee, Nathan and Reggie, as well as proud grandparents. They covet your prayers for their family and ministry as they endeavor to live a life pleasing to the Father.

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