Oneplace Test Show

Scott Garner R.

God Is… (Period!)

June 14, 2018

Shortly before his death, A. W. Tozer wrote the following: “In this hour of all-but-universal darkness one cheering gleam appears: within the fold of conservative Christianity there are to be found increasing numbers of persons whose religious lives are marked by a growing hunger after God Himself. They are eager for spiritual realities and will not be put off with words, nor will they be content with correct ‘interpretations’ of truth.  They are athirst for God, and they will not be satisfied till they have drunk deep at the Fountain of Living Water.”

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About Scott Garner R.

Nunc semper non leo id blandit. Suspendisse vehicula in urna sit amet pharetra. Maecenas in magna id magna viverra mattis. Mauris lacinia interdum laoreet. Mauris eleifend pretium commodo. Ut viverra placerat neque sed dictum. Fusce eleifend elit non luctus tincidunt. Donec vestibulum eleifend turpis a volutpat.

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