When I was a child living in North Dakota, we would sometimes take short family trips to visit relatives. My elderly aunt, Grace, lived in Killdeer, and we visited her one Sunday. While the adults sat around and visited, my little sister and I grew bored. So after a while I asked for permission to play outside. Aunt Grace told us of a playground, a few blocks away, that was easy to find, and so off we went to play. After a couple of hours, we started back to Grace’s house, but quickly discovered nothing looked familiar. We were lost. I remember my sister crying and the panic I felt inside. I began to pound on the front doors of various houses asking, “Do you know where Grace lives?” However, since I couldn’t remember my aunt’s last name, the people had no way to look her up in the phone book. So we struck out at house after house. Finally, I saw a man working in his front lawn, and I asked him, “Do you know where Grace lives?” “Grace – do you mean Grace and Cole?” I nodded yes. Seeing my sister’s teary eyes, he asked, “Are you lost?” I nodded again and he said, “Come on, get in the car and I’ll take you there.” We hopped in and just a minute or two later, there we were at Grace’s house. In my ministry I run into people who really need to find God’s grace. Do you know where grace lives? Grace can be found in following Jesus Christ. Turning your life over to His leadership, trusting Him in all things, and getting to know Him in His Holy Word is the way to God’s amazing grace.