The Grace Message

Dr. Andrew Farley

No Condemnation for Some Christians- Or All?

February 3, 2024

Should I pray to the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit? I’ve been praying for my friend and so far there’s no healing. What should I do? I’m worried there will be “woe upon me” if I don’t fulfill my calling as a preacher! Is the King James Version the one and only - the best Bible? Why does Jesus talk about the kingdom “being subjected to violence” and Matthew 11? Does Romans 8:1 actually say there’s no condemnation only for those who walk a certain way? Does the meaning of “ekklesia” (called out ones) mean we should do away with church formats, leaders, or sermons?

Featured Offer

God’s grace is greater than your mistakes – you can’t mess this up!
Thank you for your generous support of The Grace Message to help more people rest easy in God’s love and limitless grace. As thanks for your gift below, we’ll send you Pastor Andrew Farley’s new 7-part series You Can’t Mess This Up! Why God’s Grace Is Greater Than Your Mistakes. You’ll discover why it is so important to understand God’s limitless grace and how this knowledge will impact your relationships, marriage, parenting, and every aspect of your life. 


Are philosophies like Stoicism compatible with Christianity? I was taught that you’re supposed to speak to your illness and tell it to leave. Is that true? Is Matthew 24 talking about things that happened 2,000 years ago or that are still yet to happen?
February 2, 2024
Why did Jesus say to love your enemies and to love your neighbor as yourself? What exactly is the power of sin? Why do you refer to it as a parasite? What do you mean when you say it’s not us? How do we count ourselves dead to it?
February 1, 2024
Who is the man of lawlessness? How is he different from the antichrist? Can you explain the head covering passage in Corinthians? Will God really not put more on you than you can bear? What about temptation? I am feeling insecure and depressed at university and need help. Can you offer any advice?
January 31, 2024
What exactly is the work that’s burned up in 1 Corinthians 3? Is this chapter about earning rewards in Heaven? And what did Paul mean by God destroying those who destroy His temple? What’s up with Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5? Did God kill them? If so, for what reason?
January 30, 2024
My friend says Jesus is helping him keep the Sermon on the Mount. How would you respond to him? He also says we Christians have a deceitfully wicked heart and that we are still the old self. What are your thoughts? Andrew, I think you’re misunderstanding people and not accounting for their struggle and the consequences of sin.
January 29, 2024
Are you ready to discover the incredible depth of your spiritual blessings? In this first message of our series, “Alive with Christ,” we unpack the meaning of “blessed with every spiritual blessing.” We also explore the significance of being chosen and predestined by God. Is it really about individual pre-selection by God or something more loving and unifying? Prepare to be amazed at how God freely bestows His grace upon us. Don’t miss this eye-opening teaching that will challenge your perspective and deepen your understanding of redemption, forgiveness, and the Holy Spirit. Discussion Questions for: Ephesians 1:1-14: 1. Read verse 3. What does it mean to you to be “blessed with every spiritual blessing”? 2. What do “chose us” (verse 4) and “predestined us” (verse 5) mean in context? (Hint: Consider “we” in verse 12 and “you also” in verse 13.) 3. Read verses 6-8 and react to this statement: God freely bestowed His grace on you and lavished you with it! 4. Review verse 7. Why is it important to see redemption and forgiveness as a package deal? How do some split them up by claiming to have one without fully having the other? 5. Read verse 12-13. Who were “the first to hope in Christ”? How does this provide context for the true meaning of predestination? How does “you also” offer context as well? 6. Read verse 13 and react to this statement: We’re sealed with the Holy Spirit when we hear and believe the Gospel. (Hint: Note both the method of salvation and the choice involved!) 7. Read verse 14 and react to this statement: The Holy Spirit is God’s promise of your inheritance! Also, how is this reward of the inheritance – as in Colossians 3:24 – different from earning rewards?
January 28, 2024
How can we best evangelize without being pushy? I’m having problems with a family member. What should I do? Does God still love those who are ultimately not saved? Why does Paul take a vow in Acts 21? Can you be a leader in church if you’ve been divorced? Am I being unfaithful if I don’t become an official member of my church? What if I attend multiple places? What does it mean to walk by the Spirit?
January 27, 2024
How do we communicate with those who mix Law and Grace? How do you work through fear and anxiety? How does the love of God speak to our problems? Should we pray to the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit? Are we with God immediately upon death?
January 26, 2024
Is it okay to participate in Jewish cultural events as a Jewish Christian? When did salvation go from believing in God to believing only in Jesus Christ? What does the Bible say about cremation? Is Matthew 18 speaking about a future church?
January 25, 2024
I feel like my sister betrayed me with my ex-husband. What should I do? How were people saved before Jesus? Is the paradise that Jesus mentioned the same as Heaven? After two years of discipling my friend, he now says he wants to take a break. What should I do? *Previously aired
January 24, 2024
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Featured Offer

God’s grace is greater than your mistakes – you can’t mess this up!
Thank you for your generous support of The Grace Message to help more people rest easy in God’s love and limitless grace. As thanks for your gift below, we’ll send you Pastor Andrew Farley’s new 7-part series You Can’t Mess This Up! Why God’s Grace Is Greater Than Your Mistakes. You’ll discover why it is so important to understand God’s limitless grace and how this knowledge will impact your relationships, marriage, parenting, and every aspect of your life. 

About The Grace Message

The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley consistently offers simple, straightforward, and accurate help for anyone looking to better understand the depths of God’s grace. Andrew’s teachings will challenge the way you look at God through scriptural insights, and help you live in the freedom of the finished work of Jesus Christ.

About Dr. Andrew Farley

Dr. Andrew Farley is devoted to helping people better understand the grace of God and helping them live in the freedom that comes from a true understanding of Jesus Christ’s finished work on the cross. He seeks to challenge the way people look at God, and themselves, through practical, scriptural insights about God’s forgiveness, living under grace and what a new identity in Christ really means.

Andrew is the author of Zondervan’s debuted #1 bestseller on Amazon, The Naked Gospel, in addition to serving as lead pastor of Church Without Religion in Lubbock, Texas. He is also the president of The Grace Message. His mission is to help people better understand the grace of God and see them enjoy freedom. He previously served as a professor of linguistics at the University of Notre Dame and Texas Tech University

Contact The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

P.O. Box 87
Bridgeville, PA 15017
(800) 658-9807