The Grace Message

Dr. Andrew Farley

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Is John Calvin’s “third use” of the Law actually biblical?

September 1, 2023

Are we simultaneously saints and sinners? What do you think about the idea of preaching the Gospel to ourselves? What about diving deeper into the Gospel? What do you think about John Calvin’s “third use” of the Law? I feel bad for praying when I’m not sure the prayer will be answered. What should I do?

Featured Offer

God’s grace is greater than your mistakes – you can’t mess this up!
Thank you for your generous support of The Grace Message to help more people rest easy in God’s love and limitless grace. As thanks for your gift below, we’ll send you Pastor Andrew Farley’s new 7-part series You Can’t Mess This Up! Why God’s Grace Is Greater Than Your Mistakes. You’ll discover why it is so important to understand God’s limitless grace and how this knowledge will impact your relationships, marriage, parenting, and every aspect of your life. 


What are the benefits of being saved now versus waiting until the end of your life? What are the effects of being saved in your daily life? Why do people fight so hard for the 10 Commandments in the life of a Christian? Can you talk about the significance of blood for our forgiveness?
August 31, 2023
Why is there hostility toward the message of the grace of God? Why did Paul write that Peter “stood condemned”? My wife has been divorced and is now remarried to me. Are we living in adultery?
August 30, 2023
How do we communicate the grace of God to others? What is your view of the rapture? What is God’s will?
August 29, 2023
What is the best way to communicate with my Mormon wife about the gospel? What do you mean by “100% natural, no additives” in your tagline? Shouldn’t we balance Law and Grace? Isn’t repentance needed to be forgiven? Someone told me I’m living a dead life, and I don’t understand what they meant. Should I be worried?
August 28, 2023
In this exciting new series called “Liberated: From Law to Love,” we dive into the powerful and controversial book of Galatians. It’s all about understanding how we’ve been set free from the Law and embraced by God’s love. We’ll explore the “true north” of the Gospel and how the Holy Spirit guides us in our daily lives. In this first message, Paul shares his “certificate of authenticity” with us, showing he received the Gospel directly from God. Here, we’ll also learn about the incredible transformation in Paul’s own life, from persecuting Christians to boldly proclaiming the truth. Join me as we uncover the liberating power of God’s love and how it can transform your life. You won’t want to miss it! Discussion Questions – Galatians 1: 1. Why do you think Paul defends his apostleship right from the start of Galatians? 2. How are we now “rescued from this present evil age” (verse 4)? 3. Considering verses 6-7, why is Paul writing the letter to the Galatians? 4. How is the church today like the church in Galatia? How can we ensure we’re believing and sharing the true gospel? 5. How does Paul’s personal testimony in verses 13-24 serve as evidence for the truth of the message he preached? 6. Paul went from persecuting the church to preaching the gospel. How does this dramatic transformation speak to the power of God's grace? 7. How does Galatians 1 set the stage for understanding the difference between Law and Grace?
August 27, 2023
My mother is upset there’s no marriage in Heaven. Why does Luke 6 read differently from Matthew 5 in terms of the “killer sermon” of Jesus? Is Paul actually teaching we’re not under the Law for salvation, but still under it for daily living? Is it selfish or sinful to save for retirement? Shouldn’t we follow the Sabbath?
August 26, 2023
What is the sin that leads to death? Is repentance required for salvation? I now experience freedom from condemnation. Thank you! Why will we judge angels?
August 25, 2023
Why do we Christians talk about “the house of the Lord” and even have a song about it? How far off base were some apostles (versus the Judaizers) as described in the book of Galatians? What will happen at the return of Christ? Do we want to be left behind or not? Is 1 John 1:9 a Christian’s bar of soap for daily cleansing?
August 24, 2023
Is God mad at me for playing the lottery? Do unbelievers have a human spirit or only a soul? Does your soul go to Heaven or just your spirit? What does it mean to be “dead to sin”?
August 23, 2023
Why did Peter write about “judgment” for “the household of God”? My son tore Matthew out of his Bible. What does God think of him? Can woman really not speak in church?
August 22, 2023
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Featured Offer

God’s grace is greater than your mistakes – you can’t mess this up!
Thank you for your generous support of The Grace Message to help more people rest easy in God’s love and limitless grace. As thanks for your gift below, we’ll send you Pastor Andrew Farley’s new 7-part series You Can’t Mess This Up! Why God’s Grace Is Greater Than Your Mistakes. You’ll discover why it is so important to understand God’s limitless grace and how this knowledge will impact your relationships, marriage, parenting, and every aspect of your life. 

About The Grace Message

The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley consistently offers simple, straightforward, and accurate help for anyone looking to better understand the depths of God’s grace. Andrew’s teachings will challenge the way you look at God through scriptural insights, and help you live in the freedom of the finished work of Jesus Christ.

About Dr. Andrew Farley

Dr. Andrew Farley is devoted to helping people better understand the grace of God and helping them live in the freedom that comes from a true understanding of Jesus Christ’s finished work on the cross. He seeks to challenge the way people look at God, and themselves, through practical, scriptural insights about God’s forgiveness, living under grace and what a new identity in Christ really means.

Andrew is the author of Zondervan’s debuted #1 bestseller on Amazon, The Naked Gospel, in addition to serving as lead pastor of Church Without Religion in Lubbock, Texas. He is also the president of The Grace Message. His mission is to help people better understand the grace of God and see them enjoy freedom. He previously served as a professor of linguistics at the University of Notre Dame and Texas Tech University

Contact The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

P.O. Box 87
Bridgeville, PA 15017
(800) 658-9807