The Grace Message

Dr. Andrew Farley

08.21.2022 - The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

August 27, 2022

What is Arminianism? What does it look like to submit to God's will? I feel like I have lost my testimony because of my past. Do you have any thoughts? What are the two greatest commands in the Law? What are the commands on our new hearts? How do I fight against the fiery darts of the enemy's accusation? How should we look at growing and learning in light of God's grace?

Featured Offer

God’s grace is greater than your mistakes – you can’t mess this up!
Thank you for your generous support of The Grace Message to help more people rest easy in God’s love and limitless grace. As thanks for your gift below, we’ll send you Pastor Andrew Farley’s new 7-part series You Can’t Mess This Up! Why God’s Grace Is Greater Than Your Mistakes. You’ll discover why it is so important to understand God’s limitless grace and how this knowledge will impact your relationships, marriage, parenting, and every aspect of your life. 


Should we celebrate Christmas if it has pagan roots? If so, how and when? My wife and I are married and have a child. Our relationship is growing toxic, and I’m thinking of divorce. What is your advice? How do we interpret the Matthew 25 parable about the virgins and the oil?
August 26, 2022
Do we face judgment immediately after dying? What happens at the final judgment? I thought I was already saved, but then I had an experience that made me believe I got saved again. And then all those feelings were lost. Now I'm just confused. Have I committed the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? Can you help?
August 25, 2022
Does God work all things together for good? What does that really mean? Why do so many say that we are justified but not sanctified yet? What is a grace perspective on fasting?
August 24, 2022
Why do Catholic priests wear robes? Why does John write that we need to abide in Christ to not shrink back at His return? I feel like I've had two salvation experiences. When was I actually saved? How were people in the Old Testament made right before God?
August 23, 2022
If believers choose to sin, will they be judged? Why does the author of Hebrews talk about Esau selling his birthright? Can we give up our salvation in the same way? If we are totally forgiven forever, then what is the meaning of 1 John 1:9?
August 22, 2022
How do we know what God is saying to us? Religion will tell us God needs us to do more, try harder, and hope that through self-improvement, He will finally accept us. But through the New Covenant, God is proclaiming radical, powerful truths about your forgiveness, security, and new identity. In this message, you’ll see the Christian life is not about what you’re doing but what He’s already done. Celebrate these essential promises of the Gospel – truths we proclaim at our new church campus in Dallas, in West Texas, and through media worldwide. The freedom of God’s grace is better than you could ever imagine!
August 21, 2022
What does it mean that Christ lives in me and that I am complete in Him? What does it mean to be seated with Christ in Heaven? I’ve been struggling with pornography, and I feel horrible. Am I still saved? I have a friend who says he’s saved, but there are no real signs. What are your thoughts? What role does obedience play in the Christian life? Do I need to quit my job to attend church? Can we actually be sure we are saved?
August 20, 2022
Why does Paul talk about the Christian life as being like an athlete in competition? Is water baptism a command from God? Can we ever lose our salvation?
August 19, 2022
If we are totally forgiven - past, present, future - then do we need to ask for forgiveness for every sin? Aren't there still consequences for sin? Can you explain the law of sin and death in Romans 8?
August 18, 2022
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Featured Offer

God’s grace is greater than your mistakes – you can’t mess this up!
Thank you for your generous support of The Grace Message to help more people rest easy in God’s love and limitless grace. As thanks for your gift below, we’ll send you Pastor Andrew Farley’s new 7-part series You Can’t Mess This Up! Why God’s Grace Is Greater Than Your Mistakes. You’ll discover why it is so important to understand God’s limitless grace and how this knowledge will impact your relationships, marriage, parenting, and every aspect of your life. 

About The Grace Message

The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley consistently offers simple, straightforward, and accurate help for anyone looking to better understand the depths of God’s grace. Andrew’s teachings will challenge the way you look at God through scriptural insights, and help you live in the freedom of the finished work of Jesus Christ.

About Dr. Andrew Farley

Dr. Andrew Farley is devoted to helping people better understand the grace of God and helping them live in the freedom that comes from a true understanding of Jesus Christ’s finished work on the cross. He seeks to challenge the way people look at God, and themselves, through practical, scriptural insights about God’s forgiveness, living under grace and what a new identity in Christ really means.

Andrew is the author of Zondervan’s debuted #1 bestseller on Amazon, The Naked Gospel, in addition to serving as lead pastor of Church Without Religion in Lubbock, Texas. He is also the president of The Grace Message. His mission is to help people better understand the grace of God and see them enjoy freedom. He previously served as a professor of linguistics at the University of Notre Dame and Texas Tech University

Contact The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

P.O. Box 87
Bridgeville, PA 15017
(800) 658-9807