A New Beginning

Greg Laurie

The Refreshing Power of Sharing Your Faith Pt.1

November 24, 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie says, when you tell others about Jesus, it will refresh you, it will revive you, and it will restore you. Wednesday on A NEW BEGINNING, join Pastor Greg for an encouraging study about the joy of sharing the hope of Christ. 

Featured Offer

In thanks for your gift, you can receive a copy of the Unsung Hero DVD
Experience the heartwarming story of the Smallbone family as they navigate challenges that test their faith and showcase the power of family. Receive a copy of this moving film on DVD and digital download when you make a gift of any amount to Harvest Ministries this month.


Aside from knowing the Lord ourselves, Pastor Greg Laurie says the greatest joy we can know is bringing someone else to Christ. Yet so many of us don’t know that joy. Tuesday on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg helps us discover the refreshing power of sharing our faith. 
November 23, 2021
It’s no secret that the Lord wants us to share our faith with those around us. But is our faith a secret to those around us? Monday on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us see how refreshing it is to break out of our comfort zones and share that vital message of hope.
November 22, 2021
Pastor Greg Laurie points out, our nation needs a spiritual awakening … but believers need revival. And the two are linked! Friday on A NEW BEGINNING, he’ll point out how igniting our own hearts will help light the fire of spiritual awakening in our culture. It’s an important part of his series called Refresh.
November 19, 2021
When problems and crises come upon the life of the believer, was God not paying attention? Does God ever say “Oops!”? Thursday on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie points out our trials are used by God to help us grow. A look at the up side of down times.
November 18, 2021
The problems and pressures of life often take their toll. Sometimes we find it hard to go on. Some solid help is coming your way Wednesday on A NEW BEGINNING. Pastor Greg Laurie shows us that God offers refreshment for our times of trial.
November 17, 2021
It’s a choice we make every day: do we want to live our lives “after the flesh” or “after the Spirit”? Tuesday on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie points out the joys and benefits of being a Spirit-led believer. It’s a life of maximum fulfillment and zero guilt.
November 16, 2021
Ever seem like your walk with God is “two steps forward and three steps back”? Do you want some help? Join Pastor Greg Laurie Monday for A NEW BEGINNING. He offers a dose of good spiritual medicine in his message, “The Refreshing Power of the Spirit-Filled Life.”
November 15, 2021
Are there obstacles to successful prayer? Are there things that keep our prayers from being answered? Pastor Greg Laurie says yes. And Friday on A NEW BEGINNING, he points out those things that can derail our petitions before God. It’s an important study in his Refresh series.
November 12, 2021
As believers, we know we have permission to approach the very throne of God in prayer. But that’s not all. He invites us to come. He urges us to come! And Thursday on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie points out how we can take full advantage of the powerful privilege of prayer!
November 11, 2021
How often do you pray? Some say they don’t have the time. Wednesday on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie points out we always make time for those things that are most important. And we’ll see how our lives will be refreshed when we devote ourselves to prayer. 
November 10, 2021
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Featured Offer

In thanks for your gift, you can receive a copy of the Unsung Hero DVD
Experience the heartwarming story of the Smallbone family as they navigate challenges that test their faith and showcase the power of family. Receive a copy of this moving film on DVD and digital download when you make a gift of any amount to Harvest Ministries this month.

About A New Beginning

A New Beginning features the teaching of Greg Laurie, senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, California. Join Pastor Greg as he teaches God's Word in a relevant, practical, and understandable way. Discover biblical insights and learn how to know God and make Him known!

About Greg Laurie

Greg Laurie is the senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship with campuses in California and Hawaii. Today, Harvest is one of the largest churches in America with over 15,000 attendees. Greg Laurie is also the founder of the evangelistic events called Harvest Crusades with over nine million attendees and over half a million professions of faith. In addition, Greg’s daily nationally syndicated radio program, A New Beginning which is heard on over 1000 radio stations.

Greg Laurie is the author of over 70 books including Steve McQueen: The Salvation of an American Icon and Lost Boy amongst others. He has also produced several award-winning films including A Rush of Hope which saw millions tune in for the first-ever cinematic crusade. Greg is married to Cathe Laurie and has two sons and five grandchildren.


Contact A New Beginning with Greg Laurie

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A New Beginning
P.O. Box 4000
Riverside, CA 92514