Is it worth pursuing ?
Your Now Word 
Renny and Marina McLean
Job 13:25
“Wilt thou break a leaf driven to and fro? and wilt thou pursue the dry stubble?”
There are things that are insignificant that we make into an insurmountable mountain. There are things that we assume are very important and we will split hairs over it.
Job is in a predicament with his friends who have judged him harshly because of all the trouble and distress that has fallen upon him.
We have all been in a situation where we are judged by the overwhelming evidence that is stacked against us. Everyone of us have the opportunity to split hairs in a good debate or realize that this is minute and you have not arrived at the finish product of yourself.
Triumph and victory is still being revealed about you! 
Praise God, that people around you cannot see that the trial of your faith is producing a greater reward.
My friend do not chase and try to split the fallen dry leaf; or spend your energy chasing the dry chaff that has no moisture or life in it. Many of the battles you are facing you are using your energy the wrong way. 
Meditate again on the word of the Lord to encourage yourself and to be strengthened for the next battle that will bring a greater victory.


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