SATURDAY September 5, 2020

Christ the End of the Law

For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.
Romans 10:3-4

Paul nailed the problem right on the head. Many Jews thought they could become righteous before God through works. This false assumption not only applies to Jews, but for anyone who has placed their trust in good works. Salvation has nothing to do with us––it is all of God. Jesus Christ, the Messiah, fulfilled the Law. Righteousness comes through faith in Him.

In Israel’s history, Paul knew the nation had rejected God, but God never rejected Israel. Presently, Israel does not accept Jesus Christ as their Messiah. Israel seems to be placed on the shelf for about 2000 years, but God will once again pour out His Holy Spirit on them. He will use them in these last days. As a Christian, I support Israel, and pray for them all the time because they are the people of God.

There is a minority among the Jews that do believe in Christ, but for the most part, the majority of Jews are atheistic. If a Jewish person becomes a Christian, they can be kicked out of their home. Sometimes a family will have a personal burial for them, they become as a dead person to their family. They cease to exist. Those who do not believe in Christ are still caught up with the Law. Yet according to the Scriptures, how can they not see Christ is their Messiah, by faith? In their blindness, I believe, Israel has placed their confidence in the power of their army––sad.

The name of Jesus offends people tremendously. People can use the name of Buddha or Krishna or Mohammad, and it will not bother anyone, but if you use the name of Jesus Christ, it is an offense.

“Great names come and go, but the name of Jesus remains. The devil still hates it, the world still opposes it, but God still blesses it and we can still claim it! “In the name of Jesus” is the key that unlocks the door of prayer and the treasury of God’s grace.”
~Warren W. Wiersbe~

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