THURSDAY October 1, 2020

Be Transformed

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2

In the previous verse, Paul spoke of our reasonable service. The word reasonable means “intellect.” Christianity takes rational thinking. Intellectually, an atheist can become convinced that there is God. Such was the case in the life of C.S. Lewis. Although brought up in a Christian home, he became an atheist at the age of 15. He wrote: "I believe in no religion. There is absolutely no proof for any of them, and from a philosophical standpoint Christianity is not even the best." Yet years later, he had a change of mind. He said: It is Christ Himself, not the Bible, who is the true Word of God. The Bible, read in the right spirit and with the guidance of good teachers, will bring us to Him.”

Paul was the best of teachers, a scholar of the Word of God. He has given to us 14 letters in the New Testament. Honestly, although, many people read the Bible intellectually, no one can read the Bible unless they are truly inspired by the Holy Spirit. Those who need a change of heart and mind, read the Bible, and as you do, ask the Spirit of the Living God to reveal Himself to you.

When a person has a true conversion to Christianity, they are transformed. They have a change of heart and mind. The renewing of the mind is a continuous action on the mind that comes from being in the Word of God, prayer and obedience––making the right choices in life. God delivered people out of the darkness of this world, but problems arise when they remain conformed to this world. J.B. Phillips said: “Don’t let the world around you squeeze you into its own mold.” It is important to allow God to mold and shape your life. Then you can make a difference in this world. What is God’s perfect will? It is that you obey Him, submit to Him and love Him. Be in God’s perfect will, and be truly blessed.

God's mind is revealed in Scripture, but we can see nothing without the spectacles of the Holy Ghost.
~Thomas Manton~

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