FRIDAY 11 November, 2016

Veterans Day

…as Commander of the army of the LordI have now come. - Joshua 5:14

Today is Veterans Day.  It is often a solemn day, set aside to honor and remember those men and women, in the armed forces, who over the years, have courageously fought and died to keep this great country free.  Following in their parent’s footsteps, many of their sons and daughters have bravely decided to take the pledge to continue the fight for freedom.

As a former marine, who fought in the Vietnam War, I have always sought to honor the memory of our fallen comrades and minister to any military personnel returning home and their families. They have suffered tremendously.  In this season of political change, with a new president in office, the new commander-in-chief, now, more than ever, need our prayers and support.

Our new President will make key decisions on how our military operates and greatly influence how they are treated. Will they raise their moral standards, protect their religious liberties and improve the conditions of our military?  We do not know––but our worthy military personnel and their families deserve the very best.

Now as concerned American citizen’s we must look to the future for our children and grandchildren. We pray and hope their prospects are bright, safe and secure. Whatever happens in America and in the world, our true commander-in-chief is over all the hosts of heaven––He is ultimately in charge. Jesus said to Peter, who tried to protect Him with his own sword:do you think that I cannot now pray to My Father, and He will provide Me with more than twelve legions of angels? (Matthew 26:53).

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.
~Ronald Reagan~

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