WEDNESDAY March 18, 2020


“And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.”
Matthew 6:12

The Sermon on the Mount is amazing. Jesus did not bring people into condemnation, He brought them into a place where they learned to live the life of Christ. Jesus taught them to forgive other people.

Are you a forgiving person? Think about forgiveness for a moment. Do you have anything against a person? If you have something against anyone, then go and tell them you are sorry. Pray and ask God to give you love for that person and He will. Your heart needs to be right before the Lord. You cannot be bitter, hardhearted and unforgiving; otherwise, you will have no peace with God. If you do your part and try to make things right, God will honor it despite the other person’s reaction. You can sleep like a baby; you have done what was right before God.

People may say, “You do not understand the situation,” but let me remind you why you are supposed to forgive other people. When Jesus forgave you of your sins, they were thrown as far as the east is from the west, and He remembers them no more (Psalm 103:12). All of our past is gone. He forgave us––fully and completely. The Word of God teaches if you want to be forgiven by God, then you need to forgive others.

How can God bless you and speak to you if you are not willing to go and speak to the person that you need to forgive? May God speak to your heart, especially among family members, friends, and even your enemies. We truly need to follow God’s example.

Forgiveness does not come easily to us, especially when someone we have trusted betrays our trust. And yet if we do not learn to forgive, we will discover that we can never rebuild trust.
~Billy Graham~

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