MONDAY March 16, 2020

Our Daily Bread

“Give us this day our daily bread.”
Matthew 6:11

Notice how Jesus led and directed the model prayer given to the disciples. He directed them to pray to their heavenly Father––relationship. Prayer is communion and fellowship with God. Those who belonged to Christ were to pray for God’s kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Notice, it took some time before Jesus reached the place where His listeners were instructed to petition God for their daily needs. First there should be a time of confession of sin. Preparation of hearts and attitudes are important as they enter into God’s holy presence. I love that! Jesus was leading and teaching His disciples in such a beautiful way.

The model prayer is a good example to follow. Once we petition our heavenly Father––relationship, and deal with our sin, our conscience is kept clear. It is real important to do that. Then we can pray for our daily needs. As we come before Him in prayer for our needs, it is not for a week, month or year, but for our daily provision. He desires that your faith in Him grow. Consider how God provides day by day for the birds. If He takes care of all the birds and animals on earth, how much more valuable are you than those? You are created in His image.

Sometimes problems can exist when a person is self-confident. They begin to trust in their own resources––investments and money in the bank. They think they do not have to worry. What if financially the economy goes bankrupt? It is important to pray for our daily needs, whether there is money in the bank or not. We need to have this right attitude in our minds. Christians have to trust God. He is Ruler over the earth. Our dependence should be on Him! Thank God for all He provides.

[God] wants you to have something far better than riches and gold, and that is helpless dependence upon Him.
~Hudson Taylor~

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