MONDAY August 10, 2020

Heavenly Glory

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
Romans 8:18

I love this Scripture. Whenever Christians become depressed, sick or weak, it emphasizes the believer’s heavenly hope! When you visit someone who is sick, remind them of this incredible Scripture. The sickness and sufferings faced are temporal. For those who love Christ, these present sufferings endured are nothing in comparison to eternity.

This brings up another point. Why do Christians suffer? There are so many people within the body of Christ who suffer. People get sick, and sometimes they die. If you suffer with cancer, severe headaches or become paralyzed, know this: this earth is not our permanent home. We are only here for a little while. This is an imperfect world and not a perfect world––the perfect world is coming one day (Revelation 21:1).

This is good to remember, because in Russia, China, Colombia and many other places around the world, Christians suffer great persecution. It is important for Christians to rejoice in suffering and not to get bitter. We suffer for the name of Jesus Christ. If Christ suffered for us on the Cross, as His disciples, know that we shall also suffer (1 Peter 2:20-21; 1 Peter 4:14-19). Once again, these sufferings are nothing when compared with the future glory of God when we get to heaven. There will be no more pain!

Remember, as sinners, we all deserve eternal judgment, but God blesses us with salvation (John 3:16). We have become the children of God. Think of a child, most have had a close relationship with their father. How much more does your heavenly Father know you personally? He will love and care for you continuously––you are His child; you belong to Him!

By salvation I mean barely according to the vulgar notion deliverance from hell of going to heaven but a present deliverance from sin of the soul to its primitive health its original purity a recovery of the divine nature the renewal of our souls after the image of God in righteousness and true holiness…
~John Wesley~

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