SATURDAY April 6, 2019

Great Opportunities

Samuel also said to Saul, “The Lord sent me to anoint you king over His people, over Israel.”
1 Samuel 15:1

The Lord had sent Samuel to anoint Saul as King.  The horn of oil was poured upon Saul’s head. The oil became a type of the Holy Spirit in the life of Saul. God had anointed Saul, even though he was man’s choice. The Lord gave Saul a great opportunity to become a genuine man of God as he reigned over the people of Israel. Under God’s charge, Saul was called to lead them. What an incredible responsibility!

I believe with all my heart that not all men and women are born leaders. For some people, leadership does not come naturally, while in the life of others, leadership does. They were born with the ability to lead. Through God given opportunities, people without the natural ability to lead can learn leadership skills; God will allow them to be trained.

Even though some people may not be born leaders, over time, and with some experience, they can learn to become strong men and women of God. Understand, leadership abilities come through God’s anointing, humility and submission. If these men and women are willing to learn and submit to God’s lordship, then they can become great leaders.

Be aware of God-given opportunities to mold and mature you into the man or woman you are meant to be. Realize these great responsibilities will help you to grow spiritually.  In the position where God has placed you, rely on His anointing and learn to lead faithfully.

Since God first called me years ago into the ministry, I have always felt accountable to the Lord.  Everything I do is for the Lord. God has a master plan for my life, and that is what I want to accomplish.

This job has been given to me to do. Therefore, it is a gift. Therefore, it is a privilege … Therefore, it is to be done gladly, if it is done for Him. Here, not somewhere else, I may learn God’s way. In this job, not in some other, God looks for faithfulness.
~Elizabeth Elliot~

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