Fathers have one of the most essential roles in a family. They are called the leaders and the head of the family. Genesis 18:19 says, “For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just, so that the Lord will bring about for Abraham what he has promised him.” Husbands and fathers are uniquely equipped with a vision and leadership to take care of their families that God has given them. This can require strength, bravery, and a relationship with God.
They also protect. Just like God protects us. Fathers are called to protect their children and wife. Psalm 5:11 says, “But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them ever sing for joy, and spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may exult in you.”
There are so many more characteristics of Fathers. So let’s celebrate our Fathers this Father’s Day!
If this father’s day you do not have an earthly father, remember that you always have a Heavenly one.
Please enjoy these Father’s Day episodes.
The Heart of a Father is an Invaluable Treasure
The role of a father is not a human idea, it originated with God himself, our Heavenly Father, and is a divine role and calling. Becoming a father, stepfather, grandfather, or foster father is an opportunity to represent God to your children in the way you love and care for them as God loves and cares for us.
Fathers: Shaping A Daughter’s Life
On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. Kevin Leman, father of five, discusses his book, What a Difference a Daddy Makes. He explains that a good dad honors his wife, affirms his daughter’s strengths, and is quick to ask for forgiveness. A father’s unconditional love will boost his daughter’s self-confidence, academic achievement, and future family life when she’s grown.
Where Have All the Fathers Gone?
Why are there so many absent fathers today? In his message “Where Have All the Fathers Gone?” Pastor Jack Graham challenges men to live a legacy – to model their faith for their children. To pass along your faith, he teaches, you must first possess your faith.
A Godly Father
Rob West offers Biblical wisdom on celebrating Father's Day.
Father's Day Part 1
We’ve got a message for you, Dads, you’re sure to enjoy. Pastor Jeff Johnson will take us through the Scriptures for much-needed encouragement. It’s time for us Dads to step up to the plate and lead our homes in a way that honors God and encourages our kids to be Christ followers.
Father's Day Part 2
You’re in for a real treat today as we share a special word for you, Fathers. Many of the problems we see in our world today could be traced back to very little to no fatherly influence in the home, or Dads not being the leader or examples they should be. Today we’ll show you from the Scriptures what God expects of us. And as we choose to go His way, we can expect our home to be blessed.
The Legacies of Two Godly Fathers
If you had the opportunity to tell me about your dad, what kind of words would you use? Honoring our fathers is more difficult for some of us than others, but we’re all commanded to do it. Coming up on Revive Our Hearts, we’ll hear as Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth and her husband, Robert, reminisce and honor their own fathers.
A Father's Blessing
As we live our legacy of faith, how are we to bless our children? Using an acrostic for BLESS, Pastor Jack Graham teaches that we must: Build our children’s self-esteem; Love our children unconditionally; Encourage our children; Shape our children’s values; Share our faith with them.
Father's Day Special
Pastor Jeff Johnson will take us through the Scriptures for much-needed encouragement. It’s time for us Dads to step up to the plate and lead our homes in a way that honors God and encourages our kids to be Christ followers.