THURSDAY 19 November, 2015

Choice Men & Women

Again David gathered all the choice men of Israel, thirty thousand. - 2 Samuel 6:1

In 2 Samuel 5, the Lord gave David and his men victory over the Philistines, pushing them back as far as Gezer. David was settled into Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, so he gathered the choice men of Israel together. There were thirty thousand choice men of Israel.

David was preparing for a great mission, which is the reason he gathered his choice men together. He wanted to be sure he had the best of the best with him when he went out to get the Ark of God. He wanted the men he trusted and relied on—who had his back. After everything he had been through, he choose men who had stood by his side in the midst of trials.

Notice how important it is to choose the right people to do the right job for God. This is important. When God calls you to do something for His kingdom, you have to make sure you have men and women you can trust and count on. You do not want to enter into God’s work with people who are going to flake out.

When you choose choice men and women to serve the Lord with you, or to even work with you in the world, you want to know who they really are. You want to know their character, and it will be revealed in their spiritual growth; you will see their passion and the vision God has given them.

No matter what you do in life, be sure to surround yourself with choice people, who have passion and vision—people who will stand with you through every trial.

It is best to be with those in time we hope
to be with in eternity.
~Thomas Fuller~

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