Worship in His Presence

When David saw that his servants were whispering, David perceived that the child was dead. Therefore David said to his servants, “Is the child dead?” And they said, “He is dead.” So David arose from the ground, washed and anointed himself, and changed his clothes; and he went into the house of the Lord and worshiped. Then he went to his own house; and when he requested, they set food before him, and he ate. - >2 Samuel 12:19-20

Notice, despite the deep sorrow David had experienced, he had the peace of God in his life. Remember, everything that God does is perfect. It could be in this case that God decided to do what was best for the child and remove him from David and Bathsheba’s adulterous relationship. In complete surrender to God’s will, David worshipped in the presence of the Lord.

Imagine how surprised the servants were when they saw how calm David reacted when he perceived the child had died. They expected the complete opposite. Once again we see the fruit of repentance in David’s life. He had gained back his discernment. The washing, anointing, changing of his clothing and his reverent worship all represent the new man he had become. It is awesome to see David return to beinga man after God’s own heart!

Sometimes God will not answer our prayers in the way we would want it to be answered. But He will give us the peace that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7).  When we relinquish our will for His, we shall freely come before Him and worship.

Sin forsaken is one of the evidences of sin forgiven.
~J.C. Kyle~

For more from Raul Ries, please visit Somebodylovesyouradio.org!