I heard the story for years, about the woman who came to Jesus with an alabaster box of ointment, - before I understood it - before I realized that she came for one reason only. She came to worship Jesus. How do I know? Because she brought the most sacrificial gift she had and because she never said a word while she was there.

How do I know? Because she didn’t wash His feet with water, but with her tears. She didn’t dry His feet with a towel, but she dried His feet with the hair of her head. And she poured out that costly fragrance and then wiped His feet. So what happened? The fragrance she poured out on Him came back on her.

Do you wonder why your life isn’t more fragrant? It’s because you don’t take time to be holy. You don’t take time to be with Jesus. Because you think all the knowledge you get at Bible school is enough. Oh no, God isn’t going to measure your intellect. He’s going to try your life with His fire. Did you get up this morning and thank God you were pure? Did you thank Him that He broke that devilish fever you used to have for sniffing cocaine or something? Are you really glad you’re not a prostitute anymore, but now you’re a part of the Bride of the Lamb instead? Are you glad He removed your bad temper and all those creepy horrible things that used to master you?

I think again of a statement A.W. Tozer made to me once. He said, "Len, you know, we’ll hardly get our feet out of time into eternity that we’ll bow our heads in shame and humiliation. We’ll gaze on eternity and say, ‘Look at all the riches there were in Jesus Christ, and I’ve come to the Judgment Seat almost a pauper.’" For God had not only given us Jesus Christ - He has with Him freely given us all things. (Rom. 8:32)

I remember crossing a square in the city of Bath in the 1940s. I saw two very fine young ladies - well, one was a young lady and the other was only a girl. They were beautifully dressed and as they marched across that square I thought, "There’s something different about those girls." Then I discovered that they were princesses. It was our present Queen of England, Queen Elizabeth, and her sister, Margaret. They were part of English royalty, and you know, there was a dignity about them very different from anybody else who walked there. Well, as Christians, we are part of GOD’S Royal Family, and it should be evident to all that we meet that we are a different type of people. If we can’t live as a different people on this earth, we’ve no right to live here. We shouldn’t be affected by changing customs or changing styles or changing opinions, or whether the stock market goes up or down, or whether the clouds are gathering for war. Those things don’t make any difference. We ought to live every day as though we’ve come out of another world into this world - but with the power of that world still upon us. We should live and speak and move in that power, and have our whole being in Jesus Christ!

That final day is going to be awesome. Have you figured how you’ll get on when you stand there? You and I will stand there alone on that day and be judged for every aspect of our lives - for our praying, our giving, our talking, and our doing. I still believe in the majesty of that eternal court, with the King of kings and the Lord of lords and the Judge of judges. You see, there’s no possibility of any rehearsal, and what’s more, there’s no possibility of any repetition. Because, again, this is the Final Judgment, and to some God will say, "Come, ye blessed," but to others He’ll say, "Depart from Me." No, it’s not so simple to be a Christian after all. It’s a majestic thing.

We ought to live our lives conscious of eternity - ready to be cut off at any moment. If you were to stand before the Lord at this very moment, would you like your life story read by all the millions in eternity? None of the outcasts of hell are going to be there. Won’t it be wonderful - or will it? Or do you think you might shrink a bit when you hear how God used David Brainerd or John Wesley or some little washer-woman that had a life of intercession?

There’s no burden too heavy, or no situation too hard for the one that you love. If we are love controlled, love motivated, and love energized, it will be all right when we stand up there, because if there’s anything about love - it’s obedient. We need to become a people who are baptized with obedience. We need to be submissive to the total will of God, not concerned about human opinion, and not asking for more to spend on ourselves. We need to say, "Oh God, I want this life of mine to glorify You, so that when I stand in Your awesome presence, as John says, I shall not be ashamed at Your appearing." (I John 2:28)