Christmas Forgiveness

In this season of giving and receiving gifts, let us never lose our focus on the incomparable grace that was bestowed on us when God decided to give us everything that was needed to free us from the consequences of our sins through the life and death of Jesus Christ. It would seem only right that God would have walked away from our rebellious world, taking all his benefits and gifts with him. But instead, because of our Creator’s incredible love, he paid the high price of redemption by sending his Son to suffer in our place as our judicial substitute. Just as the Apostle Paul pondered the “surpassing grace of God” in 2 Corinthians 9:15 we should all be quick to say “Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!”

Merry Christmas!

Pastor Mike


December offer

December has arrived and, as such, we have officially entered what is known as the Christmas season.  As the word “season” implies, Christmas will be here for a short while and then gone again for another year.  We enjoy our annual traditions but the reality is, in a short month it’s all going right back up into the attic. Unfortunately, this can be true on a spiritual level, as well. It is easy to fall into the trap of viewing the message of Christmas as a seasonal one. In the New Testament gospel accounts, however, the nativity story is not an isolated event.  Rather, it is an opening scene to the larger narrative of the greatest story ever told.  Jesus’ birth sets the stage as the drama of God’s redemptive plan for mankind unfolds. 

At Focal Point, we exist to proclaim that Good News over the radio and the Internet all year long.  Through the expositional teaching of God’s Word, the life-changing truth of the Gospel is presented on our program every single day.  I hope you have been encouraged through this ministry!  As we focus on providing biblical teaching that is both relevant and accurate, we rely on your support to make Focal Point available.  Your donation helps us cover the cost of broadcasting these daily studies on your station and across the nation.  There is no time of year when your gift matters more to us than right now!  Your special year-end gift is greatly appreciated and will go far in helping us finish out 2013 strong.

As a way to express our thanks for your donation of any amount, I would like to send you a resource that will complement your Bible study.  This book is titled, The Essential Bible Companion:  Key Insights for Reading God’s Word.  This helpful guide gives essential details on every book of the Bible, including timelines, key characters, maps, historical and cultural background and more.

Request The Essential Bible Companion with your donation of any amount this month.

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