Living Free Every Day®


Mourn with those who Mourn

Today's Scripture

"Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn." Romans 12:15 NIV

Thoughts for Today

God's Word tells us to mourn with those who mourn.

Perhaps you sense God calling you to minister to people who have suffered the loss of a loved one by death. But how? So often we feel helpless and just don't know what to say. We might even avoid contact with the bereaved person because we are afraid we might say or do the wrong thing. This week we will look at just a few of the many teachings from God's Word about tangible things we can do to prepare ourselves to be God's hand extended to people in grief.

Before entering this area of ministry, we must recognize that authenticity is essential. We dare not play charades or project false images or unrealistic hopes to the newly bereaved person. We should do some reading, perhaps talk to a pastor, about the phases involved in the process of grieving—not to put the grieving person into a mold, but to better understand some of the stages that most people experience.

Consider this …

It is important to remember that ministering to a bereaved person involves listening more than helping. We cannot tell them what to do … We cannot fix their problem. But we can be with them. Our presence is more important than words. God calls us to come alongside … and mourn with them.


Father, teach me to help those who have suffered the loss of a loved one. My tendency is to try and "fix" the problem when someone is hurting. Help me remember that I can't fix the problem … I can't speak the right words that will make everything better … but I can be there. I can listen. I can pray. I can mourn with them. May the love and compassion of Jesus flow through me. In Jesus' name …

These thoughts were drawn from …

Handling Loss and Grief: How to Face Losses in Life and Grieve Christianly by Raymond T. Brock, Ed.D. This study teaches participants what the Bible has to say about handling the losses of life. It offers biblical coping methods for facing loss.

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