Hold That Criticism
This devotional was written by Jim Burns

Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. —Matthew 7:1-2

Here is a real challenge: go on a fast today from criticism. Your job is not to criticize anybody about anything. Just for today, even if you have a legitimate criticism, don't offer it. Most of us are far too critical. We offer lots of grumbling and complaining about issues that frankly don't make much difference. Critical people are often unhappy people.

To criticize will drain positive energy from your life.

One of the most influential women in my life put it this way:

1. A critical spirit focuses us on ourselves and makes us unhappy. We lose perspective and humor.

2. A critical spirit blocks the positive creative thoughts God longs to give us.

3. A critical spirit can prevent good relationships between individuals and often produces retaliatory criticalness.

4. Criticalness blocks the work of the Spirit of God: love, goodwill, mercy.

5. Whenever we see something genuinely wrong in another person's behavior, rather than criticize him or her directly, or far worse gripe about him behind his back, we should ask the spirit of God to do the correction needed.

I have the feeling you'll have a very good day!


1. Read and memorize Philippians 2:14.

2. What specific areas of a critical spirit can you work on today—and this week?


Psalms 34:9-15

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